yikyak-translate - Android Take Home Project

Before you start

  • Make sure you have the latest version of Android Studio and have a way to connect to a GitHub repository. You should be ready to run code from a repo on a physical device or emulator.


You have been asked to create a translation app! You’ve been given a version that is already partially implemented, but you must finish it off. Currently, the app loads a list of possible translation languages from an API, allows the user to select one, and takes in user text input. There is also a button that says “Translate” and a text box that should display the translated result, but both currently do nothing. The app uses the LibreTranslate API. The documentation for the API is here: https://libretranslate.com/docs/

yikyak translate start.png

Your tasks are as follows:

  • Implement the translation functionality. The app currently uses Retrofit2 to make API calls, and the UI components are already in place in TranslateView.kt. This should involve:
  • Update the API calls to be asynchronous, using Kotlin coroutines and flows
  • Leave the code better than you found it - if there are places within the code that you feel could be improved, whether it’s a performance issue, architecture issue, or something else entirely, feel free to change it.
