
A simple NodeJS + Express.js + Mongoose RESTful API serving data about Countries, States and Cities.

API Version: 1.0

More about

My goals in this project is to organize inside my head a little bit more about MVC's concepts making a better logic structure with my files and folders. Also, coding with some Clean Code concepts in mind like variable names and removing duplicities.

Inside misc folder you can try the Thunder's Collections and Environments for all Endpoints. It works @localhost and @heroku

Endpoints for Countries

GET /countries/listall (ALL)

  • Returns everything that is inside the Database:

    - name: is a String field storing Country's name
    - population: is a number field storing Country's total population without quotes, periods or comas
    - language: is a String field storing Country's mother Language
    - gbp: is a number field storing Country's GBP (Nominal) population without quotes, periods or comas
  • Status Code: 200

GET /countries/listname/:name (By Name)

  • Returns a Country by it's Name
  • Status Code: 200
  • Status Code: 404

POST /countries/add

  • Creates a new Country.

  • Status Code: 201

  • Status Code: 400

  • Status Code: 403

        "name" : "Brazil",
        "population" : 210147125,
        "language" : "Portuguese",
        "gbp" : 1491

PUT /countries/update/:id

  • Change Country's info by it's ID

  • Status Code: 201

  • Status Code: 400

  • Status Code: 403

DELETE /countries/del/:id

  • Change Country's from Database
  • Status Code: 201
  • Status Code: 400
  • Status Code: 403

Endpoints for States

GET /states/listall (ALL)

GET /countries/states/:name (By Name)

POST /states/add

PUT /states/update/:id

DELETE /states/del/:id

  • DB Model

    - name: is a String field storing State's name
    - distric: is a String field storing State's region
    - population: is a number field storing State's total population without quotes, periods or comas
    - minwage: is a number field storing State's minimun wage
  • JSON Body

        "name" : "São Paulo",
        "district" : "Sudeste",
        "population" : 12325232,
        "minwage" : 1169

Endpoints for Cities

GET /cities/listall (ALL)

GET /cities/states/:name (By Name)

POST /cities/add

PUT /cities/update/:id

DELETE /cities/del/:id

  • DB model

    - name: is a String field storing City's name
    - qttydistricts: is a Number field storing City's total neighborhoods
    - population: is a Number field storing City's total population without quotes, periods or comas
    - birthday: is a String field storing City's birthday
  • JSON Body

        "name" : "Sao Paulo",
        "qttydistricts" : 96,
        "population" : 1233,
        "birthday" : "25.01"