
A Podcast app enables note taking. Learn while listening.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

EgoPod, a web-based podcast app supports note taking

Since the grading for this course project is finished, we suspended the AWS server. We will bring it online afterwards.

If you'd like to try EgoPod, please deploy it on your local machine according to our detailed deployment guidence.

And we're happy that EgoPod gets a grade A in the CSCI4140: Open-source Software Project Development.


EgoPod is a full-functional podcast app. Egopod supports Sign in with Google. Users can search podcast, subscribe podcast and bookmark episodes.

Egopod also supports note taking to help people write down the knowledge or inspiration from podcast. After taking the notes, users can export the notes and related audio clip with ease.

Setup & Architecture

This project is consisted of two parts: clients and backend.

The client(frontend) is developed by React, and the backend(apis) is developed by Express. Database is MySQL.

The whole project is currently deployed on an AWS EC2 instance. The client, backend and database are all running on Docker.

Here are the detailed instructions on setting up EgoPod.


  • Docker
  • Sign-in-with-Google API Key


Please figure out the local absloute path of this project.

  1. Change the backend address in config.js

  2. Use docker run -p 80:3000 -v /home/ubuntu/egopod/client:/tmp/client -w /tmp/client -it node bash to start a container for client, while mapping the port.

  3. Use yarn to install node modules.

  4. Use yarn start to start the dev mode.

  5. Now you can checkout the front-end part of EgoPod. It's fully functional with basic podcast searching and playing, but it cannot deal with any user account related operations before configuring backend.

The default API host is www.egopod.xyz:5000, which is deployed by us. You can enjoy the FULL FUNCTIONALITY of egopod without configuring backend if you keep the config.js unchanged.


  1. Config your database information in config.js
  2. Use docker run -p 5000:5000 -v /home/ubuntu/egopod/backend:/tmp/backend -w /tmp/backend -it node bash to start the container for backend.
  3. Run apt update
  4. Run apt install ffmpeg
  5. Use yarn to install node modules
  6. User yarn start to run the backend


Database for this project is developed on this image.

Following commands are used to set up database tables.


2.USE egopod;

3.CREATE TABLE 'userinfo' ('useremail' varchar(50), 'username' varchar(20),PRIMARY KEY ('useremail'));

4.CREATE TABLE 'bookmark' ('useremail' varchar(50), 'podcastID' varchar(50), 'episodeID' varchar(50));

5.CREATE TABLE 'subscription' ('useremail' varchar(50), 'podcastID' varchar(50));

6.CREATE TABLE 'note' ('useremail' varchar(50), 'podcastID' varchar(50), 'episodeID' varchar(50), 'timeStamp' varchar(50), 'noteString' varchar(200));