

Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter is a C client library which used to convert Redfish resource in JSON text format to C structure and vice versa. The functions in Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter library provides the C language friendly structure which can be easily utilized in C programs.

Each C file is a converter for the specific version of Redfish schema released by SPFM. For example, ServiceRoot.v1_2_0.c under /ServiceRoot/ServiceRoot.v1_2_0 provides functions to convert ServiceRoot.v1_2_0.ServiceRoot property to predefined RedfishServiceRootV1_2_0_CS C structure. It also provides functions to convert RedfishServiceRootV1_2_0_CS C structure to JSON text file. All C files under /src are built into a single library. Other programs which built with Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter library must links with this library and invokes the conversion functions as it needs.


Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter is based on C and C compiling system. This library requires to build with below libraries.


Directories of Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter follows the directory hierarchy of libredfish.

- src
  Source code of a variety of Redfish JSON-CStructure Converter.
- include
  C header files of Redfish JSON-CStructure Converter. No subdirectories under /include. All header files of Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter must located under /include.
Under /src, directory must be created for each Redfish JSON schema ResourceTypeName .
For example,
Under /src/ResourceTypeName, the directories must be created for each Redfish JSON schema type NameSpace.
For example,
    |       |_____/ServiceRoot.v1_1_0
    |       |_____/ServiceRoot.v1_2_0
    |       |_____/ServiceRoot.v1_3_0
C source file for the specific Redfish JSON schema must located under the corresponding directory.
For example,
CMAKE file CMakeLists.txt is located under src/_build. Use cmake to build Redfish JSON-CStructure Converter libraries.

  Build Redfish C Structure library using below command under _build,
    mkdir build-dir
    cd build-dir
    cmake -G <generator-name> ..  # for example, cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64" ..
    cmake --build . 

Naming of C Source Code

Use "Namesapce" of Redfish resource Type identifier as the naming of C source code.

Namespace = "ResourceTypeName.vMajorVersion_MinorVersion_Errata"
For example,  namespace for ServiceRoot 1.3.0 is ServiceRoot.v1_3_0. The naming of C source code must be ServiceRoot.v1_3_0.c

Naming of C Header File

Below is the naming of C header file of Redfish JSON-C structure converter.
<ResourceTypeName> : For example, ServiceRoot
<SchemaVersion>    : For example, v1_2_0
CS                 : Means C Structure

The naming of header file for ServiceRoot.v1_2_0 schema will be Redfish_ServiceRoot_V1_2_0_CS.h.

C Source File of Redfish JSON-C Structure Converter

Provides three major functions for Redfish JSON-C structure converter. Those are Redfish JSON to C Structure converter, C Structure to Redfish JSON converter and destory JSON C structure.

The prototyoe and naming of function is shown as below,

Redfish JSON to C Structure:

   RedfishCS_status Json_<ResourceTypeName>_<SchemaVersion>_To_Cs (RedfishCS_char *JsonRawText,  <RedfishCStructureName> **ReturnCS);
 For example,
    RedfishCS_status = *Json_ServiceRoot_V1_2_0_To_CS (RedfishCS_char *JsonRawText, RedfishServiceRootV1_2_0_CS **ReturnCS);

C Structure to Redfish JSON:

   RedfishCS_status Cs_<ResourceTypeName>_<SchemaVersion>_Json (<RedfishCStructureName> *CsPtr, RedfishCS_char **JsonText);
 For example,
   RedfishCS_status Cs_ServiceRoot_V1_2_0_To_Json (RedfishServiceRootV1_2_0_CS *RedfishCs, RedfishCS_char **JsonText);

Redfish JSON C Structure Destory:

   RedfishCS_status Cs_<ResourceTypeName>_<SchemaVersion>_Json (<RedfishCStructureName> *CsPtr);
 For example,
   RedfishCS_status DestroyServiceRoot_V1_2_0_CS (RedfishServiceRoot_V1_2_0_ServiceRoot_CS *CSPtr);

C Header File of Redfish JSON-C Structure Converter

In most of implementations, C header file of Redfish JSON-C structure converter only defines C structure of certain Redfish Schema and prototype of conversion functions.

For example,

#include "RedfishCsCommon.h"

typedef struct _RedfishServiceRoot_V1_2_0_ServiceRoot_CS {
  RedfishCS_Header                                  Header;
  RedfishCS_char                                    *odata_context;   
  RedfishCS_char                                    *odata_id;        
  RedfishCS_char                                    *odata_type;      
  RedfishCS_Link                                    AccountService;     // This is a link to the Account
                                                                        // Service.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    Chassis;            // This is a link to a collection
                                                                        // of Chassis.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    CompositionService; // This is a link to the
                                                                        // CompositionService.
  RedfishCS_char                                    *Description;     
  RedfishCS_Link                                    EventService;       // This is a link to the
                                                                        // EventService.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    Fabrics;            // A link to a collection of all
                                                                        // fabric entities.
  RedfishCS_char                                    *Id;              
  RedfishCS_Link                                    JsonSchemas;        // This is a link to a collection
                                                                        // of Json-Schema files.
  RedfishServiceRoot_V1_2_0_ServiceRoot_Links_CS    *Links;             // Contains references to other
                                                                        // resources that are related to
                                                                        // this resource.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    Managers;           // This is a link to a collection
                                                                        // of Managers.
  RedfishCS_char                                    *Name;            
  RedfishResource_Oem_CS                            *Oem;               // This is the
                                                                        // manufacturer/provider specific
                                                                        // extension moniker used to
                                                                        // divide the Oem object into
                                                                        // sections.
  RedfishCS_char                                    *RedfishVersion;    // The version of the Redfish
                                                                        // service.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    Registries;         // This is a link to a collection
                                                                        // of Registries.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    SessionService;     // This is a link to the Sessions
                                                                        // Service.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    StorageServices;    // A link to a collection of all
                                                                        // storage service entities.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    StorageSystems;     // This is a link to a collection
                                                                        // of storage systems.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    Systems;            // This is a link to a collection
                                                                        // of Systems.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    Tasks;              // This is a link to the Task
                                                                        // Service.
  RedfishCS_char                                    *UUID;              // Unique identifier for a
                                                                        // service instance. When SSDP is
                                                                        // used, this value should be an
                                                                        // exact match of the UUID value
                                                                        // returned in a 200OK from an
                                                                        // SSDP M-SEARCH request during
                                                                        // discovery.
  RedfishCS_Link                                    UpdateService;      // This is a link to the
                                                                        // UpdateService.
} RedfishServiceRoot_V1_2_0_ServiceRoot_CS;

RedfishServiceRootV1_2_0_CS *
Json_ServiceRoot_V1_2_0_To_CS (char *JsonRawText);

C Data Types

In order to flexibly support different bindings on top of Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converte, we use alternated data type instead of using native C data types. The alternated ones may replaced by bindings.

C Data Type Redfish C Structure Data Type Description
bool RedfishCS_bool Boolean, true or false.
Refer to Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter Defined C Data Types
char RedfishCS_char 8-bit character.
signed char RedfishCS_int8 8-bit signed value.
unsigned char RedfishCS_uint8 8-bit unsigned value.
int RedfishCS_int16 Integer in range [−32,767, +32,767]
unsigned int RedfishCS_uint16 Integer in range [0, 65535]
long int RedfishCS_int32 Integer in range [−2,147,483,647, +2,147,483,647]
unsigned long int RedfishCS_uint32 Integer in range [0, 4,294,967,295]
long long RedfishCS_int64 Integer in range [−9,223,372,036,854,775,807, +9,223,372,036,854,775,807]
unsigned long long RedfishCS_uint64 Integer in range [0, 2^64 - 1]
double RedfishCS_double Double-precision floating-point
float RedfishCS_float Single-precision floating-point

Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter Defined C Data Types

Data Type Description
RedfishCS_boolean_false Means 0 or false
RedfishCS_boolean_true Means 1 or true

Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter Defined Return Stastus

Data Type Value
RedfishCS_status_successe 0
RedfishCS_status_unsupported -1
RedfishCS_status_invalid_parameter -2
RedfishCS_status_insufficient_memory -3
RedfishCS_status_not_found -4
RedfishCS_status_unknown_error -5

Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter Defined Structure

Redfish-JSON-C-Struct Defined Structure Description
RedfishCS_linklist Linked list used in Redfish-JSON-C-Struct, this structure is used to link to the next Redfish C structure.

typedef struct _RedfishCS_linklist {
RedfishCS_linklist BackLinkList;
RedfishCS_linklist NextLinkList;

RedfishCS_Header Redfish C Structure Header, the header of each Redfish C structure.

typedef struct _RedfishCS_Header {
RedfishCS_Link LinkEntry;
RedfishCS_Type ResourceType;
RedfishCS_char *KeyName;
RedfishCS_char *ThisUri;
} RedfishCS_Header;

RedfishCS_Type Redfish C Structure Type, the type of information this Redfish C structure provides.

typedef enum {
RedfishCS_Type_CS = 1,
} RedfishCS_Type;

See below definitions for each type

RedfishCS_Type_Uri_Data Redfish C Structure of URI information, this type of Redfish C structure provides the URI to Redfish resource.

typedef struct _RedfishCS_Type_Uri_Data {
RedfishCS_Header Header;
RedfishCS_char *Uri;
} RedfishCS_Type_Uri_Data;

RedfishCS_Type_CS_Data Redfish C Structure of Redfish resource, this type of Redfish C structure provides Redfish resource in C structure format.

typedef struct _RedfishCS_Type_CS_Data {
RedfishCS_Header Header;
// Followed by C structure of resource.
// The format of following structure is JSON--Struct-Converter specific
} RedfishCS_Type_CS_Data;

RedfishCS_Type_EmptyProp_CS_Data Redfish C Structure of Redfish resource which property is declared as empty property ("properties": {}), this type of Redfish C structure provides Redfish resource in C structure format.
Only support below types of JSON value, the JSON object nested in the property is not supported,

JSON type string
JSON type number
JSON type integer<br/
typedef struct _RedfishCS_EmptyProp_KeyValue {
RedfishCS_EmptyProp_KeyValue *NextKeyValuePtr;
RedfishCS_char *KeyNamePtr;
RedfishCS_Vague *Value;
} RedfishCS_EmptyProp_KeyValue;

typedef struct _RedfishCS_Type_EmptyProp_CS_Data {
RedfishCS_Header Header;
RedfishCS_uint32 NunmOfProperties;
RedfishCS_EmptyProp_KeyValue *KeyValuePtr;
} RedfishCS_Type_EmptyProp_CS_Data;

RedfishCS_Type_JSON_Data Redfish C Structure of resource in JSON text format, this type prvides the Redfish resource in Json text format.

typedef struct _RedfishCS_Type_JSON_Data {
RedfishCS_Header Header;
RedfishCS_char *JsonText;
} RedfishCS_Type_JSON_Data;

RedfishCS_Vague Redfish C Structure of JSON property which data type could be boolean, int or string.

typedef enum {
RedfishCS_Vague_DataType_String = 1,
} RedfishCS_Vague_DataType;

typedef union {
RedfishCS_char *CharPtr;
RedfishCS_bool *BoolPtr;
RedfishCS_int64 *Int64Ptr;
} RedfishCS_Vague_Ptr;

typedef struct _RedfishCS_Vague {
RedfishCS_Vague_DataType DataType;
RedfishCS_Vague_Ptr DataValue;
} RedfishCS_Vague; for Each Converter is provided for each Redfish-JSON-C-Struct-Converter under its source directory. See src/ServiceRoot/ServiceRoot.v1_1_0/ for the example.