
Scene-level tracking and reconstruction Utils in python

Primary LanguagePython


I am using KinectFusion for Reconstruction and BundleTrack for Object Tracking.


  1. Compile BundleTrack. Install Dependency: sudo apt install libpcl-dev, sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

Run tracking

Generate 2D Tracking Mask

  1. First we need to get the mask first using pytracking. Download RTS checkpoint at https://github.com/visionml/pytracking/blob/master/MODEL_ZOO.md#Models-1. Notice that pytracking requires torch version to be lower than 1.9 and numpy should be lower that 1.20.

  2. Run tracking. You can do the tracking using the following code:

cd external/pytracking/pytracking
python run_video.py rts rts50 ../../../test_data/exp_5/color/%d.jpg --save_results

Generate Hand Tracking

Download the mediapipe model first.

wget -q https://storage.googleapis.com/mediapipe-models/hand_landmarker/hand_landmarker/float16/1/hand_landmarker.task

Generate 6D pose tracking

./build/bundle_track_colmap config.yml

Generate visualization

python external/BundleTrack/external/Easy3DViewer/example/python/check_sequence_poses.py --frame_skip=30 --traj_path=log/poses/ --data_path=test_data/exp_1/camera_2/

Experiment Setup