This repository contains the code for generating the Shuangrimu website. It is an entirely static site built using Hakyll.
Developing the site
With Nix
The easiest way to get this site up and built is by using Nix. If you have Nix
already installed, you can simply do nix-shell .
within the top-level of this
project. This will pull down all the necesssary packages to get this running,
including GHC.
With Cabal
Alternatively if you don't want to use Nix, you can build this with your own GHC and Cabal.
Running the site
By default there is a development server
Deploying the site
Because this site is built using Hakyll, it's essentially a custom-built compiler that compiles a bunch of blog posts written in Markdown or whatever other input language Pandoc accepts and converts it out to HTML with custom styling along the way.
Running site.lhs
will generate a bunch of HTML, CSS, and Javascript output in
the _site
folder. This can then be served up by your choice of webserver.
In my particular case I configure the web server to serve pages with the .html
suffix as optional (with a redirect as necessary). That is of course a decision
that is entirely up to you.
Writing new posts
Any new post is a markdown file that goes in the posts
directory. I also have
a drafts
directory for drafts I'm not quite ready to publish yet, but that's
purely a convention (since any folder that is not posts
gets ignored, I could
have used another name such as notposts
Misc Bugs (a.k.a. why htaccess is not .htaccess)
For some reason Hakyll isn't able to match on files with a period as the first character. See jaspervdj/hakyll#560.