
A presentation on types given at the 2018 NE Scala Conference


Moving Beyond Defensive Programming (Accompanying Slides)

This repository contains a markdown file (slides.md) that contains all the slides for my presentation on "Moving Beyond Defensive Programming".

A version of this talk was given at the 2018 NE Scala conference (in particular v0.2.0). The video is here.

Building the slides

A pre-built version of this markdown file is available in the releases directory (e.g. this).

In order to generate the HTML yourself, you'll need to download https://revealjs.com/ and have pandoc and inliner installed as well. The latter is for inlining all JS and CSS into a single HTML file so that you don't need any web connection to view the slides. If you don't require that, you can leave out the inliner depedency and command.

Assuming you have pandoc and inliner, you can run the following from the top-level of this repository.

# Download reveal.js
wget https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/archive/master.tar.gz
tar -xzvf master.tar.gz
mv reveal.js-master reveal.js

pandoc -s --mathjax -i -t revealjs slides.md -o slides_noninlined.html -V revealjs-url=./reveal.js
inliner -m slides_noninlined.html > slides.html

This should result in a slides.html that you can view in a web browser.