
Postfix custom policy to check if an authenticated user belongs to an Active Directory group

Primary LanguagePython


Postfix custom policy to check authenticated user membership within an Active Directory group before allowing to send email.

It reads sasl_username attribute and checks against Active Directory if the user is member of the configured AD group


  1. Python +3.5
  2. Postfix server must already be added in Active Directory (either with SSSD or Samba)
  3. getent command should be present and functional in postfix server. getent group someADgroup should respond current members.

Initial Config

  1. Download script git clone https://github.com/changoz/chango-postfix-policy.git /opt/chango-postfix-policy

  2. Execute: whereis python. If applicable, replace python path at py scripts first line #!/usr/bin/python3.9

  3. Replace Active Directory group to search for, at py script line 11. Note that the group should'nt have realm nor domain (i.e.: 'managers')

adgroup = 'group_without_realm'
  1. Check the script output before applying postfix configuration. Execute at shell echo sasl_username=user_to_test | /opt/chango-postfix-policy/chango-policy.py It should reply with action=dunno or action=rejected. Depends on user and AD group user.

  2. Folder permissions: chown nobody /opt/chango-postfix-policy

Postfix configuration

1) master.cf

as tcp Listener

/etc/postfix/master.cf:  inet  n       n       n       -       0       spawn
     user=nobody argv=/opt/chango-postfix-policy/chango-policy.py

2) main.cf

as tcp Listener


smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
       check_policy_service inet:


  1. Enable verbose at postfix main.cf to get detailed logs. Python error trace should be logged at /var/log/maillog. Read [Postfix Oficial Verbose Logging] (http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html)

  2. Wrong python identation. Use autopep8 to format chango-policy.py script: autopep8 -i chango-policy.py

  3. Test email by using command line with openssl s_client -starttls smtp -ign_eof -crlf -connect your_server:25

EHLO server
base64 ad_user_login_without_realm (enter)
base65 ad_user_password (enter)
mail from: user@some.com
rcpt to: dest@some.com
subject: some subject
