
Fab.io is a lightweight game backend framework written in Go (Golang).

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License


Fab.io is a lightweight real-time game backend framework written in Go (Golang).

Table of Contents

Getting Started


To install Fab.io package, you will need to:

  1. Have Go installed. Head over to Go's download page here to install it.
  2. Setup your Go workspace.


  1. Install Fab.io
$ go get -u github.com/kooinam/fab.io
  1. Import it in your code:
import (
	fab "github.com/kooinam/fab.io"


Example - (Simple JavaScript Chatroom App):

In our first example, we start by creating an simple JavaScript chatroom application which will be connecting to backend services using Fab.io.

Setting up your workspace:

  1. Create an empty directory. In this example we shall use fabio-chat-demo:
$ mkdir fabio-chat-demo
$ cd fabio-chat-demo
  1. Create an empty directory demo inside fabio-chat-demo to hold our Javascript application codes.
$ mkdir demo
  1. Create an HTML file chat.html in the demo folder and copy the snippet content over into chat.html.

Setting up backend services:

Now, let's proceed to setup our backend services.

  1. Use the go mod command to manage our package dependencies. Let's go ahead and initialize our package dependencies:
$ go mod init fabio-chat-demo
  1. Install Fab.io.
$ go get -u github.com/kooinam/fab.io
  1. Create an empty directory controllers inside fabio-chat-demo to hold our controllers. A controller is responsible for handling any request and producing the appropriate output. Every controller should implement two functions RegisterBeforeHooks and RegisterActions.
$ mkdir controllers
  1. Create an go file chat_controller.go in controllers folder. Put the following snippet content into chat_controller.go.
package controllers

import (
	fab "github.com/kooinam/fab.io"

// ChatController used for chat purposes
type ChatController struct {

// RegisterHooksAndActions used to register hooks and actions
func (controller *ChatController) RegisterHooksAndActions(hooksHandler *controllers.HooksHandler, actionsHandler *controllers.ActionsHandler) {
	actionsHandler.RegisterAction("Join", controller.join)
	actionsHandler.RegisterAction("Message", controller.message)

// join used for player to join a room
func (controller *ChatController) join(context *controllers.Context) {
	roomID := context.ParamsStr("roomID")

	// leave all previously joined rooms, and join new room

// message used for player to send message message to room
func (controller *ChatController) message(context *controllers.Context) {
	roomID := context.ParamsStr("roomID")
	message := context.ParamsStr("message")

	// broadcast message to room
	fab.ControllerManager().BroadcastEvent("chat", roomID, "Message", nil, helpers.H{
		"message": message,
  1. Lastly, create main.go in root directory and put the following snippet content into main.go.
package main

import (

	fab "github.com/kooinam/fab.io"

func main() {

	fab.ControllerManager().RegisterController("chat", &controllers.ChatController{})

	fab.ControllerManager().Serve("8000", func() {
		fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("./demo"))
		http.Handle("/demo/", http.StripPrefix("/demo/", fs))

You are done!

Congrats! Now all that's left to do is run the app!

  1. Start our application by running:
go run main.go
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/demo/chat.html on your browser to see your chatroom application in action!

Interested on other use cases?

Expore more example use cases by reading our Wiki!



Package Link
go-socket.io github.com/googollee/go-socket.io


Some of our upcoming key feature(s)/improvement(s) include:

  • Write MORE Tests
  • Tutorials and Documentations
  • Containerize Solutions
  • Distributed Solutions
  • Graceful Shutdown
  • Actor Model


Distributed under the MIT License.