
Source code for the NeurIPS 2022 Spotlight paper: "Unified Optimal Transport Framework for Universal Domain Adaptation"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

[NeurIPS 2022 Spotlight] Unified Optimal Transport Framework for Universal Domain Adaptation

Code release for Unified Optimal Transport Framework for Universal Domain Adaptation (NeurIPS 2022 Spotlight).

[paper] [project page]


  • Python 3.7+
  • PyTorch 1.8.0
  • GPU Memory 12 GB

To install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Download the dataset: Office31, OfficeHome, VisDA and DomainNet (real, painting and sketch).

  • Prepare dataset in data directory as follows

    /path/to/your/dataset/images/amazon/      # Office
    /path/to/your/dataset/RealWorld/          # OfficeHome 
    /path/to/your/dataset/train/              # VisDA synthetic images
    /path/to/your/dataset/test/               # VisDA real images
    /path/to/your/dataset/sketch/             # DomainNet
  • For OfficeHome dataset, make sure that your folder name is RealWorld instead of Real World.

  • Modify root_path with /path/to/your/dataset/ in config files ./config/<dataset>-config.yaml.

  • Make a log directory by mkdir ./log.

  • Make a model directory by mkdir ./model. Download ImageNet pretrained model from Google Drive, then put the downloaded model into ./model.

Getting started

  • Train with command line (take office for example)

    python main.py --gpu 0 --exp office31 --dataset office31 --source amazon --target dslr
  • Train with script

    Modify ./config/<dataset>.sh:

    • delete the lines which begin with #SBATCH


    cd ./script
    sh office31.sh          # or officehome/visda/domainnet
  • Train with Slurm script

    Modify ./config/<dataset>.sh:

    • #SBATCH --mail-user=YOU@MAIL.COM
    • #SBATCH -p YOUR_partition


    cd ./script
    mkdir output
    sbatch office31.sh      # or officehome/visda/domainnet
  • Monitor (TensorBoard required)

    tensorboard --logdir=./log --port xxxx
  • Test with command line (take office for example)

    python eval.py --gpu 0 --dataset office31 --source amazon --target dslr --model_path /path/to/your/model/final.pkl


We provide the checkpoints for Office, OfficeHome, VisDA and DomainNet at Google Drive.


If you find this repository useful in your research, please consider citing:

title={Unified Optimal Transport Framework for Universal Domain Adaptation},
author={Wanxing Chang and Ye Shi and Hoang Duong Tuan and Jingya Wang},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
editor={Alice H. Oh and Alekh Agarwal and Danielle Belgrave and Kyunghyun Cho},