Flink ClickHouse Connector
Flink SQL connector for ClickHouse database, this project Powered by ClickHouse JDBC.
Currently, the project supports Source/Sink Table
and Flink Catalog
Please create issues if you encounter bugs and any help for the project is greatly appreciated.
Connector Options
Option | Required | Default | Type | Description |
url | required | none | String | The ClickHouse jdbc url in format clickhouse://<host>:<port> . |
username | optional | none | String | The 'username' and 'password' must both be specified if any of them is specified. |
password | optional | none | String | The ClickHouse password. |
database-name | optional | default | String | The ClickHouse database name. |
table-name | required | none | String | The ClickHouse table name. |
use-local | optional | false | Boolean | Directly read/write local tables in case of distributed table engine. |
sink.batch-size | optional | 1000 | Integer | The max flush size, over this will flush data. |
sink.flush-interval | optional | 1s | Duration | Over this flush interval mills, asynchronous threads will flush data. |
sink.max-retries | optional | 3 | Integer | The max retry times when writing records to the database failed. |
optional | false | Boolean | Removed from version 1.15, use use-local instead. |
sink.update-strategy | optional | update | String | Convert a record of type UPDATE_AFTER to update/insert statement or just discard it, available: update, insert, discard. |
sink.partition-strategy | optional | balanced | String | Partition strategy: balanced(round-robin), hash(partition key), shuffle(random). |
sink.partition-key | optional | none | String | Partition key used for hash strategy. |
sink.sharding.use-table-definition | optional | false | Boolean | Sharding strategy consistent with definition of distributed table, if set to true, the configuration of sink.partition-strategy and sink.partition-key will be overwritten. |
sink.ignore-delete | optional | true | Boolean | Whether to ignore delete statements. |
sink.parallelism | optional | none | Integer | Defines a custom parallelism for the sink. |
scan.partition.column | optional | none | String | The column name used for partitioning the input. |
scan.partition.num | optional | none | Integer | The number of partitions. |
scan.partition.lower-bound | optional | none | Long | The smallest value of the first partition. |
scan.partition.upper-bound | optional | none | Long | The largest value of the last partition. |
catalog.ignore-primary-key | optional | true | Boolean | Whether to ignore primary keys when using ClickHouseCatalog to create table. |
Update/Delete Data Considerations:
- Distributed table don't support the update/delete statements, if you want to use the
update/delete statements, please be sure to write records to local table or set
to true. - The data is updated and deleted by the primary key, please be aware of this when using it in the partition table.
breaking Since version 1.16, we have taken shard weight into consideration, this may affect which shard the data is distributed to.
Data Type Mapping
Flink Type | ClickHouse Type |
CHAR | String |
VARCHAR | String / IP / UUID |
STRING | String / Enum |
BYTES | FixedString |
DECIMAL | Decimal / Int128 / Int256 / UInt64 / UInt128 / UInt256 |
TINYINT | Int8 |
SMALLINT | Int16 / UInt8 |
INTEGER | Int32 / UInt16 / Interval |
BIGINT | Int64 / UInt32 |
FLOAT | Float32 |
DOUBLE | Float64 |
DATE | Date |
TIME | DateTime |
TIMESTAMP | DateTime |
ARRAY | Array |
MAP | Map |
ROW | Not supported |
MULTISET | Not supported |
RAW | Not supported |
Maven Dependency
The project isn't published to the maven central repository, we need to deploy/install to our own repository before use it, step as follows:
# clone the project
git clone https://github.com/itinycheng/flink-connector-clickhouse.git
# enter the project directory
cd flink-connector-clickhouse/
# display remote branches
git branch -r
# checkout the branch you need
git checkout $branch_name
# install or deploy the project to our own repository
mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn clean deploy -DskipTests
How to use
Create and read/write table
-- register a clickhouse table `t_user` in flink sql.
`user_id` BIGINT,
`user_type` INTEGER,
`language` STRING,
`country` STRING,
`gender` STRING,
`score` DOUBLE,
`map` Map<STRING, BIGINT>,
) WITH (
'connector' = 'clickhouse',
'url' = 'clickhouse://{ip}:{port}',
'database-name' = 'tutorial',
'table-name' = 'users',
'sink.batch-size' = '500',
'sink.flush-interval' = '1000',
'sink.max-retries' = '3'
-- read data from clickhouse
SELECT user_id, user_type from t_user;
-- write data into the clickhouse table from the table `T`
SELECT cast(`user_id` as BIGINT), `user_type`, `lang`, `country`, `gender`, `score`, ARRAY['CODER', 'SPORTSMAN'], CAST(MAP['BABA', cast(10 as BIGINT), 'NIO', cast(8 as BIGINT)] AS MAP<STRING, BIGINT>) FROM T;
Create and use ClickHouseCatalog
val tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(setting)
val props = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.DATABASE_NAME, "default")
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.URL, "clickhouse://")
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.USERNAME, "username")
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.PASSWORD, "password")
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.SINK_FLUSH_INTERVAL, "30s")
val cHcatalog = new ClickHouseCatalog("clickhouse", props)
tEnv.registerCatalog("clickhouse", cHcatalog)
tEnv.executeSql("insert into `clickhouse`.`default`.`t_table` select...");
TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(setting);
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.DATABASE_NAME, "default")
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.URL, "clickhouse://")
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.USERNAME, "username")
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.PASSWORD, "password")
props.put(ClickHouseConfig.SINK_FLUSH_INTERVAL, "30s");
Catalog cHcatalog = new ClickHouseCatalog("clickhouse", props);
tEnv.registerCatalog("clickhouse", cHcatalog);
tEnv.executeSql("insert into `clickhouse`.`default`.`t_table` select...");
> CREATE CATALOG clickhouse WITH (
'type' = 'clickhouse',
'url' = 'clickhouse://',
'username' = 'username',
'password' = 'password',
'database-name' = 'default',
'use-local' = 'false',
> USE CATALOG clickhouse;
> SELECT user_id, user_type FROM `default`.`t_user` limit 10;
> INSERT INTO `default`.`t_user` SELECT ...;
- Implement the Flink SQL Sink function.
- Support array and Map types.
- Support ClickHouseCatalog.
- Implement the Flink SQL Source function.