- 4
The automated release is failing 🚨
#72 opened by chanind - 1
#70 opened by cyz0919 - 0
how to debug
#69 opened by Mamong - 1
iOS 16.4.1 微信上无法书写
#68 opened by xjh093 - 1
iOS 16.4.1 微信无法展示,或展示错误
#67 opened by xjh093 - 0
- 0
#12 opened by anchorforG - 2
Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor 'HanziWriterContext' | property 'comp' -> object with constructor 'ki' --- property 'ctx' closes the circle
#62 opened by hucoooo - 1
- 7
have you publish the new version to npm?
#36 opened by zhifengjiang - 12
微信小程序2d 按代码添加后不显示
#35 opened by yiyngit - 2
- 2
能显示的最低版本库是 2.7.7
#51 opened by xjh093 - 0
- 0
selectComponent 关于uni在<script>中获取自定义组件的问题
#49 opened by Linpengfei-NB - 2
- 6
problem when built with uni-app for app
#23 opened by wakaryry - 7
How to optimize slow in miniprogram?
#7 opened by QRL909109 - 1
#31 opened by Cx448532262 - 1
have you plan to extend Chinese pinyin
#24 opened by aii1991 - 0
- 0
- 4
#6 opened by cyz0919 - 1
- 1
#14 opened by xxhzzstsyd - 0
iPhone6 run the hanzi-writer slowly
#5 opened by GavinLi2016 - 4
Abnormal display of real machine
#4 opened by zzzzhe - 2