简易C#编写的SMTP客户端。异步接口。支持SSL、HTML、附件。 A simple SMTP client with async interfaces in C#. SSL, HTML and attach files are supported.

Primary LanguageC#


A simple SMTP client with async interfaces in C#. SSL, HTML and attach files are supported.


string server = "smtp.domain.com";
string username = "sender@domain.com";
string password = "senderPassword";
string[] to = new string[] {
    //More receivers
string subject = "This is a test.";
string content = "<p>Hello World! 你好,世界!</p>";
SmtpClientAttach[] files = new SmtpClientAttach[] {
    new SmtpClientAttach() { Name="Attach1.txt", Stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Content of Attach File 1")) },
    new SmtpClientAttach() { Name="Attach2.txt", Stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Content of Attach File 2")) },
    //More attach files
    //You can just use FileStream instead of MemoryStream to specify an attach file

SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient(server, true); //or false if you don't want to use SSL
await sc.SendAsync(username, password, to, subject, content, true, files);