
Project Assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CMPSCI 326 Web Programming: Team Black Mountain

How to Run

Run our app using 'node app.js'. This will open a server on port 3000.

Project Assignment 5

Additions that we made for this project:

  1. Database
    • 326.sqlite: created and filled db for users, groups, tweets, followers

Project Assignment 4

Additions that we made for this project:

  1. Ajax

    • Follow User button no longer refreshes page
    • Join Group button no longer refreshes page
    • Post Tweet button no longer refreshes page
    • Signup will validate username and password without refreshing
  2. Websockets

    • Tweet feed is immediately updated with new tweets
    • /mentions and /connect pages will immediately update with new information
    • Profile pages update immediately
    • /group will immediately update with any new tweets
  3. Other Additions

    • Hashtags
      • lib/util/util.js: updated to look for tweets that include a hashtag
    • Search
      • routes/search.js: new route for search page that gets all tweets from the query string
      • lib/tweets/tweetdb.js: added getTweetsContaining function that is used for the search
  4. Relevant Files

    • lib/sockets/sockets.js for server side sockets
    • public/javascript/*.js for client side sockets and ajax

Project Assignment 3

Additions that we made for this project:

  1. Sessions

    • app.js: cleaned up sessions coding completed in previous project
  2. Mentions

    • lib/util/util.js: created mention link to profiles
    • public/stylesheets/style.css: added styling to the mentions
    • routes/connect.js: shows mentions on connect page
  3. Interactions

    • lib/util/util.js: added functionality to get all messages for a given user to be put in the interactions timeline
  4. Groups

    • lib/groups/groupdb.js: functionality for creating groups, checking if a user is a member, getting members of a group, and adding members
    • routes/profile.js: added route for group
    • views/group_profile.ejs: html for group profiles
  5. Functional Spec

    • added TwitterFunctionalSpecification.pdb to public folder, with extensions details and scenario added
  6. Documentation

    • added documentation to missing areas and new additions