TapResearch Assessment


The objective of this assessment was to create a Ruby on Rails project that:

  • Consumes TapResearch's API
  • Stores responses in a relational database
  • Defines a custom route that returns all stored Campaigns with nested Campaign Quotas and Campaign Qualifications, ordered by the number of Campaign Qualifiations, in JSON format

Live Example


Local Installation

This is a fairly straightforward Rails application.


  • Ruby 2.6.5
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis (used by Sidekiq)

Install gems

bundle install

Create and seed database

The seeds.rb file (which is called by the stup task) queues up a job to retrieve and persist all data

bundle exec rake db:setup

Launch Sidekiq

Sidekiq needs to run to pick up the previously queued job and perform data retrieval and persistence

bundle exec sidekiq

Run rails server

Run your local server and navigate to localhost:3000/ordered_campaigns.json to list all Campaigns

rails server