
ZtlNote is an attempt to implement a zettelkasten organization method software.

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


ZtlNote is an attempt to implement a zettelkasten organization method software.

The approach of ZtlNote is to be a fast CLI tool to interact with notes a bit like Git. The implementation will be a file based store that is organized to maintain strings of notes and references.



In his book about the Zettelkasten organization (How to Take Smart Notes), Ahrens Sönke describes 3 steps:

  • take flying notes about what you read/hear/see
  • rework these notes in the Zettelkasten combining them with the existing ones and trash flying notes
  • when you want to write a book or a blog post about a subject, extract paths of thoughts from the Zettelkasten as raw material.

The forces of the Zettelkasten lie in its organization in paths, references between notes and a taggin system. ZtlNote combine these three things.

I have written ZtlNote with my understanding of the book in an effort of testing this organization while having a coding experience with Rust.

Command line

ztln command [arguments] [options]
  • info: list current topic/path with its date of last note creation/update
  • init: create an Organization and initialize the structure on disk. By default, the directory is taken from the ZTLN_BASE_DIR environment variable but it can be passed as parameter: ztln --base-dir DIR init.
  • topic
    • create: create a new topic. This also creates the main path in that topic (maybe a --main-path option may be added in the future to specify the name of the topic's default path) ztln topic create TOPIC.
    • list: list topics in the Organization (maybe none). ztln topic list.
    • default: set the default topic for operations. ztln topic default TOPIC.
  • path
    • branch: branch a path from a specified note ztln path branch PATH [LOCATION].
    • list: list the existings paths in the current topic ztln path list or ztln path list TOPIC.
    • default: set the given path as default path ztln path default PATH.
    • remove: remove the given path ztln path remove PATH. There will be no warning if some notes are not in any path after this process.
    • reset: set the given branch to point to another location. By using this command, some notes may not being on a path and even though they are not physically lost, will not be reachable anymore.
  • note:
    • add: create a note from an existing content file ztln note add [FILENAME] [-p PATH] [-t TOPIC]. If the filename is not given, the editor specified with the environment variable $EDITOR (default: vi) is launched. The file is then saved as a new note either at the default location (HEAD) or the specified topic/path.
    • show: show a note from a given location ztln note show LOCATION.
    • reference: create a reference from one note to another ztln note reference LOCATION LOCATION.
  • tag
    • add: tag a note with the given keyword ztln tag add KEYWORD [LOCATION].
    • search: search all notes tagged with the given keyword ztln tag search KEYWORD.
    • list: list all the keywords stored in the index ztln tag list.

Location format

A location is an easy way for humans to designate a note at a moment in time. Since this address mode is relative to a head and paths are supposed to evolve over time, a note location one day may not designate the same note the day after. Furthermore, a location may be relative to a current topic and path. If a unique address stable in time or an absolute address is required then the note UUID shall be used instead.


  • topic: f specified, the topic designate the Tought Topic of the Note. If note specified, the current topic is used.
  • path: the path followed to reach the Note. Since paths have notes in common, several paths can be used to reach the same note.
  • modifier: the number of ancestor of the path head's note (default to 0)


topic1   A ─ B ─ C - D ←main (current path)
             └ ─ E     ←path1

Assuming the topic1 is the current topic, the note B can be reached with the following locations:

  • main:-2 equivalent of topic1/main:-2
  • HEAD:-2 since main is the current path
  • path1:-1

Here are other examples of locations:

  • HEAD or main or main:-0 or topic1/main or topic1/main:-0 → note D
  • path1:-2 → note A
  • path1:-4 → nothing
  • wrongpath → nothing
  • wrong/address/format# → Error



Organization: The Organization is the ensemble of Notes and relations between them.

Note: A Note is composed of two distinct parts: a Content and a MetaData.

Note Content: Text containing the actual information of a Note.

Note Meta Data: Technical data associated to a Note: date information & links to related notes (parent note, related notes, tags)

Note Address: Unique way of locating a Note in the Organization. [topic/]path[:-N]

Tag: Searchable word linked to a Note.

Index: File regrouping Notes ID by tag.

Topics: A Topic is a named topic of notes linked by a parent relationship.

Thought Path (abbrev. Path): A Path is a name that points to the last Note of a branching in a Topic. Each time a Note is added to a Path, the Path points to it and the new Note points to its parent forming a path of thoughts.

Store: Technical abstraction layer to perform all the I/O needed to persist the Organization state.

Note Identifier: Unique technical identifier for a note (UUID V4).


front end

The main file uses StructOpt to parse the command line arguments. Each command must be a struct testable on its own:


The Organization structure holds the information related to the Organization at least:

  • base_dir
  • default_topic
  • store

It uses the Store structure to perform all the I/O in order to persist its state. All methods of the Store API must indicate in which topic and path the operations happen. Default topic & path are an abstraction of the Organization.

IO Store

The store is a disk based implementation:

  +- index ← tag index
  +- _CURRENT ← name of the default topic when exist
  +- notes -+- UUID-1 ← textual content of the notes
  |         +- UUID-2
  +- meta  -+- UUID-1 ← meta data of the notes
  |         +- UUID-2  
  +- topics -+- topic_1 -+- _HEAD ← name of the default path when exist
             |           +- description ← long description of the topic when exist
             |           +- paths -+- main ← UUID of the last note published in this path
             |                     +- path1
             |                     +- path2
             +- topic_2 -+- _HEAD
                         +- paths -+- main
                                   +- pathN

Tag Store

The tag store manages the index file which contains an association of UUID indexed by tags.