Browse and download images from reddit with fzf and ueberzug
To install the AUR package, use your AUR-helper of choice. For example:
paru -S wppfzf
- bash
- fzf
- ueberzug
Install the necessary dependencies first. Then, get the latest release by running:
wget "" \
-O $HOME/wppfzf.tar.gz
mkdir $HOME/.wppfzf_d
tar -zxvf wppfzf.tar.gz -C $HOME/.wppfzf_d --strip-components 1
rm -f $HOME/wppfzf.tar.gz
cd $HOME/.wppfzf_d && sudo make install
You can specify the installation directory by using
sudo make DESTDIR=/your/dir PREFIX="" install
Alternatively, to get the bleeding edge version (i.e. HEAD
) run:
sudo wget "" \
-O /usr/bin/wppfzf
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/wppfzf
To start a simple query, run wppfzf
with no arguments. This will use the defaults. Each line shows the posts title as well as the number of up- and downvotes.
- To open the currently selected image in your default image-viewer, press
. - To download the currently selected image, press
. - Press
to quit wppfzf.
To search a specific subreddit, use the -r
option, -l N
will limit the api query to N posts.
Note that less images may be show in wppfzf itself due to filtering of incompatible posts (e.g. imgur albums).
wppfzf defaults to searching the last 20 posts of r/wallpapers and saving desired images to $HOME/Pictures
. These settings, as well as the default preview window size and location, can be temporarily changed through the cli arguments.
To make these changes permanent, the script itself has to be edited. The settings are located at the top of the script:
# query limit
# default subreddit to search
# dir to save images to
declare -x WPP_FZF_DL_DIR=$HOME/Pictures
# default preview position
# default preview size
declare -x DEFAULT_PREVIEW_SIZE="60%"
Theming the fzf interface is done at the top of the script itself. To see all available color options, refer to fzf's man page.
# default interface colors: 'option:term_color_code'
This project is made possible through both fzf and ueberzug.