
An example / test case of importing typescript modules located in a node_modules folder.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


An example / test case of importing typescript modules located in a node_modules folder.


This project shows a simple example of importing 3 types of TypeScript (external) modules.

  • First is a normal module declared in a file called file_module.ts
  • Next is a module located in node_modules called index_module which has index.ts as its main entry point.
  • Finally there is package_module which uses a package.json file to declare its TypeScript entry point using the typings property.

Note that for published modules you should use a d.ts file for the typings property as you don't want your module consumers to recompile your module, just consume its typings.

Expected Result

The project should compile without errors. Running the example would display

$ node app.js
hello from file_module
hello from index_module
hello from package_module

Current output with TypeScript 1.8.0-dev.20151104

$ tsc --version
message TS6029: Version 1.8.0-dev.20151104

$ tsc app.ts --module commonjs --moduleResolution node
