
TaskSauce is a task matching application whereby users can hire temporary help to complete certain tasks or offer their services to those who are willing to pay for it. They can create new tasks requesting or offering for certain services, and those willing to do it/pay them to do it can then bid for the tasks. The successful bidder will be chosen by the creator of the task. Simply create an account now to get started!

This is a web application project created as a part of CS2102: Database Systems in the National University of Singapore. It utilizes the following Software Tools/Frameworks:

  • Web Server/Runtime Environment: NodeJS
  • Web Application Framework: ExpressJS
  • Front-end Styling Framework: Bootstrap
  • Back-end Database Storage: PostgreSQL

Note to professor/grader: the password for every account in our database is the same as the username. The username and password for the admin account are both 'admin1'.

Set-up Guide


  • PostgreSQL should have been installed on your device
  • NodeJS should have been installed on your device
  1. Download the entire folder from the github repository https://github.com/chanqingzhou/tasksauce.
  2. Run npm install on your Terminal to install all the required NodeJS packages.
  3. Initialise your database on PostgreSQL by running the command \i tasksauce.sql in PostgreSQL.
  4. Do ensure that you are in the right directory containing the file tasksauce.sql before running it.
  5. Add a .dotenv file containing your connection string in the following format:
    DATABASE URL=postgres://username:password@host address:port/database name.
    Modify the values as necessary according to your PostgreSQL configuration.
  6. Run node bin\www on your Terminal to start the NodeJS server.
  7. Go to localhost:3000 on your preferred web browser and start using TaskSauce!
