These are a clickable collactions that expand to display and user icon-image or description

Download and install depencies for swiper expanding collections.

npm -install or npm -i
npm start
view on Localhost300
# Expanding Collection

Expanding Collection is an expandable content cards slider based on Swiper.

It can be easily integrated into your Framework7 or Ionic app as Swiper already integrated into these frameworks.

Inspired by Ramotion Expanding Collection.


  • it is based on Swiper, so it supports all Swiper features
  • any content can be placed within the card cover
  • any content can be placed within the expandable underneath card content
  • can be actually any size (aspect ratio)
  • fully customizable


In the package you will find:

  • fully functional project created with Vite and Swiper
  • all required extra styles (in SCSS)
  • all required JavaScript to make it work
  • instructions on how to build, run and preview the project

Project Structure

This project uses Vite for development and bundling the production build.

  • /src/ - folder with .html, .js, .scss source files. These files are processed by Vite during development, and will be bundled on production build.
  • /public/ - folder with static assets (usually images) which are not processed by Vite during development, but still will be bundled on production build.
  • /dist/ - folder with production build bundled with Vite (this folder will appear when you run a command to create production build).


First of all, we need to install all dependencies, run in terminal:

npm i


To launch development server (with hot reload), run the following command in terminal:

npm run dev

And the project will be available at http://localhost:3000

Production Build

To create a production build, run the following command in terminal:

npm run build

And production-ready project will be available in /dist/ folder.

  1. Create new GitHub repository at

  2. Initialize Git. In terminal run:

    git init
  3. Add remote origin. Replace $USERNAME and $REPOSITORY with your GitHub username and newly created repository name:

    git remote add origin$USERNAME/$REPOSITORY.git

That is all, after that you can track, commit and push/pull to repo, for example:

git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin master
