
CLP(Rosette) on top of miniKanren

Primary LanguageRacketMIT LicenseMIT


A faster-miniKanren variant integrated with Rosette, inspired by CLP(SMT)-miniKanren.


  • (rosette-typeo <var> <type) Constraint a miniKanren variable as a rosette type.
  • (rosette-asserto <formula>) Check a SMT formula satisfiable.


It is not available on the Racket package server currently. Just clone the repository and play with tests.


#lang racket
(require "../mk.rkt")
(require "../rosette-bridge.rkt")

(define (faco n out)
    ((== n 0) (== out 1))
    ((rosette-typeo n r/@integer?)
     (rosette-asserto `(,r/@! (,r/@= ,n 0)))
     (fresh (n-1 r)
       (rosette-typeo n-1 r/@integer?)
       (rosette-typeo r r/@integer?)
       (rosette-typeo out r/@integer?)
       (rosette-asserto `(,r/@= (,r/@- ,n 1) ,n-1))
       (rosette-asserto `(,r/@= (,r/@* ,n ,r) ,out))
       (faco n-1 r)))))

(run 7 (q)
  (fresh (n out)
    (faco n out)
    (== q `(,n ,out))))
;; '((0 1) (1 1) (2 2) (3 6) (4 24) (5 120) (6 720))

Why CLP(Rosette)-miniKanren?

CLP(Rosette)-miniKanren is inspired by CLP(SMT)-miniKanren, but provides better interactivity, extensibility, and refutation power. For example,

  1. It supports true SMT type constraints (as Rosette solvable types) instead of raw (z/ `(declare-const ...)).

    • These SMT type constraints can interact with each other. In CLP(SMT)-miniKanren, you must use tags to distinguish, which is difficult to write (consider tower of types and coercion).
    • These SMT type constraints can be propagated among variables, which prevents many "unknown constant" error in CLP(SMT)-miniKanren.
  2. It can combine Rosette constraints with miniKanren symbolic constraints (e.g. integero, symbolo, =/=, absento ) in a meaningful way. For example, the following code diverges in CLP(SMT)-miniKanren, but returns '() in CLP(Rosette)-miniKanren.

    (define (nevero)
        [(== 1 2)]
    (run 1 (q)
      (fresh (a b)
        (rosette-typeo a r/@integer?)
        (rosette-asserto `(,r/@= ,a 5))
        (rosette-typeo b r/@integer?)
        (rosette-asserto `(,r/@= ,b 5))
        (=/= a b) ; <-- promote the `=/=` to SMT assert 
    ;; '()
  3. Better reification representation.

    Due to the lack of intermediate layers, CLP(SMT)-miniKanren cannot digest complex types (e.g. bitvector, uninterpreted function) well. You can do format conversion back forth, but it is annoying. CLP(Rosette)-miniKanren uses Rosette, so it becomes trivial.

  4. It can use all the Rosette components. For example,

    • Define a Rosette function and invoke it in rosette-asserto.
    • Easy to switch different SMT solvers.


  • Add labling for r/purge.
  • Add tabling (two steps).
    1. Naive tabling
    2. TCLP
  • Add Rosette unsolvable types support (currently only partially supported).
  • Add more SMT types via extending Rosette solvable types.
  • Try different search strategies with SMT (e.g. DFS with push/pop).
  • Try different SMT assertion strategies (e.g. record SMT internal state? or check-smt-assumption?).
  • Find killer apps and add more tests.
  • Update README.


This project was inspired by Nada Amin's CLP(SMT)-miniKanren and included the improvement of smt-assumptions-full-integration which was based on smt-assumptions. Most of the tests in the tests directory initially were written in CLP(SMT)-miniKanren by Nada Amin and William Byrd.

Thank Nada Amin for bring me into CLP(SMT)-miniKanren. Thank Michael Ballantyne for his insightful suggestions (especially about how disequality constraint interacts with SMT constraints). Thank William Byrd joined the meeting and gave a lot of useful comments.