• What and why is it?
  • "boundary"
  • "fallback"
  • "transition"
  • Suspense and SuspenseList
  • How it impacts components




1. Import PokemonDetail dynamically

  • Use dynamic import() to import the PokemonDetail module
  • Wrap it in React.lazy so React.Suspense knows what to do with it
  • The app breaks because it loads with the component it needs to render. this means it's working

2. Catch async errors with an ErrorBoundary

3. Wrap in React.Suspense boundary with fallback

  • Add a React.Suspense component around async component
  • Provide a fallback prop with any renderable fallback={<div>...fetching pokemon</div>}

4. Wrap promised data in suspensify

  • As an experiment, wrap the initialPokemon object in a Promise.resolve
  • Like React.lazy, promises need a wrapper to communicate with Suspense boundaries. Import the small suspensify utility into the app. import { suspensify } from "./api";
  • Wrap our initialPokemon resolved promise in suspensify
  • Call the read() function in the consuming component (PokemonDetail)

Play with all the options...

  • promise.resolve({ ... })

  • Promise.reject()

  • new Promise(() => {})

  • fetchPokemon(1)

  • Finally, use fetchPokemon (also provided as a named export from api.js)

5. Put initialPokemon in state, so can update it

  • let [pokemon] = React.useState(initialPokemon)
  • Note that we're putting the whole pokemon here, not just the number
  • Note also that the useState hook is totally fine holding an unresolved promise

6. Create a button to fetch the next pokemon

  • Take the updater function from useState
    • let [pokemon, updatePokemon] = React.useState(initialPokemon);
  • ...updatePokemon(suspensify(updatePokemon(2)))

7. Make the button dynamic

  • Try suspensify(updatePokemon(pokemon.id + 1))
  • It doesn't work because pokemon isn't a resolved value in this scope
  • we can only use it where the component calls .read(). remember .read()?
  • this will impact how you write code.
  • let's update the component and then teach it some composability
    • (we have a short ammount of time so i'll show you how i solved it)
    • (move the button in first.)

8. useTransition

  • startTransition w/timeout to set how long until flash off fallback
  • unstable_createRoot to turn it on
  • isPending to show some loading state
  • isPending to show change color to gray (1. useDeferredValue but short on time)

9. More Suspense boundaries

  • use oversimplified PokemonList componenent that does all of it's own data-fetching
  • we're slowing this call down to 2 seconds
  • if we put it in the same error boundary, they load together
  • we can do better. we'd like to load the first available
  • use different suspense boundaries
  • we can still do layout

10. SuspenseList

  • revealOrder: "forwards" | "backwards" | "together"
  • tail: "collapsed" | "hidden"