Summershades color bands for everyone.
I have been to several times through hackernews and every single time the color bands left me puzzled.
On one boring morning I found myself on and realized I still didn't know how those colors are connected to letters.
Then I went on an figured it out. I showed it to my colleagues and one wanted the color bands for her name too. Then I decided to make this.
If you don't want to look at the code, following is how the colors are made.
Each triplet of charachters represent Red, Green and Blue intensities hexadecimal.
Color intensity values vary from 0-255.
Number English alphabet starting from zero (0-25).
Then apply following algorithm.
color intensity value = letter index x 10 + floor(letter index / 5)
Gimme my color bands!
Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL)