
Experimental UI for Flux version 2

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Flux Web UI

Project Status

This project is currently in the "experimental" phase of development. It is not part of official Flux releases. Please file any bugs or feature requests in this repository's issues using a provided issue template.


To install the Flux Web UI:

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page
  2. Extract the binary from the downloaded archive
  3. Run the server in your terminal: ./flux_webui
  4. You will see a log message letting you know startup was successful: 2021-06-03T13:26:37.552-0700 INFO Serving on port 9000
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:9000


To set up a development environment

  1. Install go v1.16
  2. Install Node.js version 14.15.1
  3. Install reflex for automated server builds: go get github.com/cespare/reflex
  4. Install kubebuilder
  5. npm install to install UI dependencies
  6. make dev to compile and run the app
  7. npm start to start the frontend dev server (with hot-reloading)
  8. Navigate to http://localhost:1234 to view the frontend dev UI (with hot-reloading)
  9. Navigate to http://localhost:9000 to see the UI served from the go program

To generate protobuf files natively on your OS, install protoc, then install these packages:

go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
go get -u github.com/twitchtv/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp
go get -u go.larrymyers.com/protoc-gen-twirp_typescript

Then run:

make proto

To run tests:

make test