Puff Chat

By Hyewon Cho, Chan Lee, Victoria Oh, and Hyung Lee



  • PuffChat is a chatting app using Socket.io, Angular and Firebase. The user can connect with other users with Puffchat to share messages, pictures and emojis.

Layout of the page

  • There will be a header component with the top navbar, logo, search bar, and the login button.
  • Under that will be a component with a list of links to common genres of books that users typically visit.
  • The carousel component with images and links to featured sales or preorder specials
  • Under the carousel are three rows that hold three featured items in each row
  • A horizontal scrolling list component that house Barnes and Noble exclusive books.
    • Each of these exclusive books will be a 'exclusive-book' component.
  • Footer component with links to various services, help, and 'about us' pages.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repository from https://github.com/hyewon92cho/puff-chat-client.git

  • Clone the server repository from https://github.com/hyewon92cho/puff-chat-server.git

  • Navigate to the "puff-chat-client" folder in your terminal and type "npm install" to install necessary plugins.

  • Navigate to the "puff-chat-server" folder in your terminal and also type "npm install" to install necessary plugins.

  • Create a file in the app folder of the "puff-chat-client" called 'api-keys.ts'.

    • Inside the api-keys.ts file, type in 'export const masterFirebaseConfig = {}'
    • Inside the curly braces, paste what you were sent in the email about API keys.
  • In the "puff-chat-server" folder, create a "credentials" folder. Inside this folder, create the a file with the name you received in the email about API keys and inside copy paste the information in the same email.

  • Type in "ng serve -o" to start the app in your Chrome browswer.

Support and contact details

  • Hyewon Cho - github.com/Hyewon92Cho
  • Chan Lee - github.com/goenchan
  • Victoria Oh - github.com/VicOhPNW
  • Hyung Lee - github.com/HyungNLee

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Angular 7
  • Typescript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Firebase Realtime Database
  • Firebase Authentication
  • ExpressJS
  • Socket.io

This software is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2018 Hyewon Cho, Chan Lee, Victoria Oh, Hyung Lee