
Bukkit plugin giving pony powers built for the UKofE server

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


ℹ Project is archived. Feel free to use, and submit changes, but do not expect further development.


A Bukkit plugin designed to give powers based on the ponies from My Little Pony: Friendship is magic show. The Plugin is designed to work with the skin marking system implemented by the client side mod Mine Little Pony. The Plugin is named after The Uk of Equestria Forums, who's minecraft Server the Plugin was made for.


The code provided here in the github repo is the source code (as per what gitub it used for) As such to use this plugin you must self compile it.

  1. Checkout (Download) Either the Stable or Master branches (The stable branch is less likly to have errors, the Master branch is more upto date)
  2. Compile the source code found under src
  3. Place the compiled .jar file into the plugins folder.
  4. Create a new folder inside the plugin folder called ukofePonyPack.
  5. Copy the contents of the "Config Examples" Folder into the new ukofePonyPack folder
  6. Start up the server, whilst it boots up a message should apear stating the plugin has been loaded sucessfully

Licensing Infomation

Licensing Infomation for each file can be found at the start of the file, normally inside a comment block. However not all files have a license notice inside them, either because it was forgotten to be added or because it cannot be. In such cases the License contained within LICENSE.txt applies. (LICENSE.txt describes the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE)

Submitting Issues, Bugs, Suggestion and Features

Ideas for the project are welcome and these, along with all issues, should be submitted using Githubs issues system. When you submit and issues besure to apply the correct lables, provide a clear consice heading and all the requried infomation in the body.

Anyone is free to take a current issue and try and resolve it. This should be done by forking the branch of code the issue applies to. Coding the solution and submitting a pull request. Before submitting a pull request please insure you have done adquite testing.