
A Text-guided Protein Design Framework, Nat Mach Intell 2025

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ProteinDT: A Text-guided Protein Design Framework

Authors: Shengchao Liu, Yanjing Li, Zhuoxinran Li, Anthony Gitter, Yutao Zhu, Jiarui Lu, Zhao Xu, Weili Nie, Arvind Ramanathan, Chaowei Xiao*, Jian Tang*, Hongyu Guo*, Anima Anandkumar*

* jointly supervised

[Project Page] [ArXiv] [Datasets on HuggingFace] [Checkpoints on HuggingFace]

1 Environment

conda create -n ProteinDT python=3.7
conda activate ProteinDT

conda install -y numpy networkx scikit-learn

pip install torch==1.10.*

pip install transformers
pip install lxml

# for TAPE
pip install lmdb
pip install seqeval

# for baseline ChatGPT
pip install openai

# for baseline Galactica
pip install accelerate

# for visualization
pip install matplotlib

# for binding editing
pip install h5py
pip install torch_geometric==2.0 torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster
pip install biopython

# for ESM folding
pip install "fair-esm[esmfold]"
pip install dm-tree omegaconf ml-collections einops
pip install fair-esm[esmfold]==2.0.0  --no-dependencies # Override deepspeed==0.5 
pip install 'dllogger @ git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/dllogger.git'
pip install 'openfold @ git+https://github.com/aqlaboratory/openfold.git@4b41059694619831a7db195b7e0988fc4ff3a307'

conda install -c conda-forge -yq mdtraj

# for ProteinDT
pip install .

2 Pretraining Datasets (SwissProtCLAP) Preparation

Please check folder preprocess/SwissProtCLAP for SwissProtCLAP construction from UniProt.

We also provide a copy of SwissProtCLAP at this HuggingFace link. Or you can use the following script:

from huggingface_hub import HfApi, snapshot_download
api = HfApi()
snapshot_download(repo_id="chao1224/ProteinDT", repo_type="dataset", cache_dir='./')

Then move the data under ./data folder. The data structure is

└── SwissProtCLAP
    ├── protein_sequence.txt
    └── text_sequence.txt

3 Pretraining

Go to folder examples, and do the pretraining in 5 steps. We summarize the logics of these 5 steps as below:

The pretrained checkpoints can be found at this HuggingFace link. Before getting started, first we need to define our output home folder, e.g., export OUTPUT_DIR=../output/ProteinDT/hyper_01.

  • Step 1. Conduct CLAP pretraining

    • On a single GPU card:

      python pretrain_step_01_CLAP.py \
      --protein_lr=1e-5 --protein_lr_scale=1 \
      --text_lr=1e-5 --text_lr_scale=1 \
      --protein_backbone_model=ProtBERT_BFD \
      --epochs=10 --batch_size=9 --num_workers=0 \
    • We also support distribution learning with DDP. Example of using a server with 8 GPU cards:

      CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 \
      python pretrain_step_01_CLAP.py \
      --protein_lr=1e-5 --protein_lr_scale=1 \
      --text_lr=1e-5 --text_lr_scale=1 \
      --protein_backbone_model=ProtBERT_BFD \
      --epochs=10 --batch_size=9 --num_workers=0 \
  • Step 2. Obtain frozen representation:

    python pretrain_step_02_empty_sequence.py \
    --protein_backbone_model=ProtBERT_BFD \
    --batch_size=16 --num_workers=0 \
    python pretrain_step_02_pairwise_representation.py \
    --protein_backbone_model=ProtBERT_BFD \
    --batch_size=16 --num_workers=0 \
  • Step 3. Learn the facilitator distribution:

    python pretrain_step_03_facilitator.py \
    --protein_lr=1e-5 --protein_lr_scale=1 \
    --text_lr=1e-5 --text_lr_scale=1 \
    --protein_backbone_model=ProtBERT_BFD \
    --epochs=10 --batch_size=9 --num_workers=0 \
    --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
  • Step 4. Learn the decoder distribution. Notice that we have three types of decoder distribution models:

    • A Transformer-based auto-regressive decoder. Here we adopt the T5 architecture.
      python pretrain_step_04_decoder.py \
      --num_workers=0 --lr=1e-4 --epochs=50 \
      --decoder_distribution=T5Decoder \
      --score_network_type=T5Base \
      --hidden_dim=16 \
      --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
    • A discrete denoising diffusion model (multinomial diffusion).
      • Using RNN as score network:

        python pretrain_step_04_decoder.py \
        --num_workers=0 --lr=1e-4 --epochs=50 \
        --decoder_distribution=MultinomialDiffusion \
        --score_network_type=RNN \
        --hidden_dim=16 \
        --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
      • Using BERT as score network:

        python pretrain_step_04_decoder.py \
        --num_workers=0 --lr=1e-4 --epochs=50 \
        --decoder_distribution=MultinomialDiffusion \
        --score_network_type=BertBase \
        --hidden_dim=16 \
        --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
  • Step 5. learn an auto-encoder that is specifically designed for text-guided editing task. You can also treat this as a downstream task.

    python pretrain_step_05_AE.py \
    --num_workers=0 --lr=1e-4 --epochs=50 \
    --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \

4 Downstream Tasks

We include three types of downstream tasks, as will be introduced below. You can find the scripts for first two downstream tasks under folder scripts.

4.1 Text-to-Protein Generation

First let's go to the folder examples/downstream_Text2Protein.

Then we sample text sequences for text-to-protein generation:

python step_01_text_retrieval.py

We also provide the sampled text data in step_01_text_retrieval.txt. You can replace it with the text sequences you want to use.

Now we can do the text-to-sequence generation, e.g., if we use T5 as the decoder:

export OUTPUT_DIR=../../output/ProteinDT/hyper_01

python step_02_inference_ProteinDT.py \
--decoder_distribution=T5Decoder --score_network_type=T5Base \
--num_workers=0 --hidden_dim=16 --batch_size=8 \
--pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
--step_04_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_04_T5 \
--num_repeat=16 --use_facilitator --AR_generation_mode=01 \

4.2 Zero-shot Text-guided Protein Editing

First let's go to the folder examples/downstream_Editing.

The dataset preparation can be found at examples/downstream_Edting/README.md. You can also find it on this HuggingFace link. We include three types of editing tasks: stability, structure, and peptide binding. In terms of the methods, we have two types: latent optimization and latent interpolation. The demo scripts are explained below.

4.2.1 Latent Optimization

  • Structure / Stability: editing_task: alpha, beta, Villin, Pin1.
    export OUTPUT_DIR=../../output/ProteinDT/hyper_01
    python step_01_editing_latent_optimization.py \
    --num_workers=0 --batch_size=8 \
    --lambda_value=0.9 --num_repeat=16 --oracle_mode=text --temperature=2 \
    --editing_task=alpha --text_prompt_id=101 \
    --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
    --step_05_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_05_AE \
    --output_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_05_AE/downstream_Editing_latent_optimization/alpha_prompt_101_lambda_0.9_num_repeat_16_oracle_text_T_2 \
    python step_01_evaluate_structure.py \
    --num_workers=0 --batch_size=8 --editing_task=alpha --text_prompt_id=101 \
    --output_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_05_AE/downstream_Editing_latent_optimization/alpha_prompt_101_lambda_0.9_num_repeat_16_oracle_text_T_2 \
  • Peptide binding
    export OUTPUT_DIR=../../output/ProteinDT/hyper_01
    python step_01_editing_latent_optimization.py \
    --num_workers=0 --batch_size=4 \
    --lambda_value=0.9 --num_repeat=16 --oracle_mode=text --temperature=2 \
    --editing_task=peptide_binding --text_prompt_id=101 \
    --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
    --step_05_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_05_AE \
    --output_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_05_AE/downstream_Editing_latent_optimization/peptide_binding_prompt_101_lambda_0.9_num_repeat_16_oracle_text_T_2 \

4.2.2 Latent Interpolation

Notice that for latent interpolation, we have three models: auto-regressive (T5), denoising diffusion model (RNN and BERT). We provide demos scripts using T5.

  • Structure / Stability: editing_task: alpha, beta, Villin, Pin1.
    export OUTPUT_DIR=../../output/ProteinDT/hyper_01
    python step_01_editing_latent_interpolation.py \
    --editing_task=alpha --text_prompt_id=101 \
    --decoder_distribution=T5Decoder --score_network_type=T5Base \
    --num_workers=0 --hidden_dim=16 --batch_size=2 \
    --theta=0.9 --num_repeat=16 --oracle_mode=text --AR_generation_mode=01 --AR_condition_mode=expanded \
    --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" --step_04_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_04_T5 \
    --output_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_04_T5/downstream_Editing_latent_interpolation_alpha/prompt_101_theta_0.9_num_repeat_16_oracle_text_inference_01_expanded \
    python step_01_evaluate_structure.py \
    --num_workers=0 --batch_size=1 \
    --editing_task=alpha --text_prompt_id=101 \
    --output_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_04_T5/downstream_Editing_latent_interpolation_alpha/prompt_101_theta_0.9_num_repeat_16_oracle_text_inference_01_expanded \
  • Peptide binding
    export OUTPUT_DIR=../../output/ProteinDT/hyper_01
    python step_02_binding_editing_latent_interpolation.py \
    --editing_task=peptide_binding --text_prompt_id=101 \
    --decoder_distribution=T5Decoder --score_network_type=T5Base \
    --num_workers=0 --hidden_dim=16 --batch_size=1 \
    --theta=0.9 --num_repeat=16 --oracle_mode=text --AR_generation_mode=01 --AR_condition_mode=expanded \
    --pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" --step_04_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_04_T5 \
    --output_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR"/step_04_T5/downstream_Editing_latent_interpolation_peptide_binding/prompt_101_theta_0.9_num_repeat_16_oracle_text_inference_01_expanded \

4.3 Protein Property Prediction

First please download the TAPE data following instructions here. We also provide it at this HuggingFace link.

Under examples, and the script is downstream_TAPE.py. We follow the exactly same hyper-parameter as OntoProtein.

python downstream_TAPE.py \
--task_name=ss3 \
--seed=3 \
--learning_rate=3e-5 \
--num_train_epochs=5 \
--per_device_train_batch_size=2 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps=8 \
--warmup_ratio=0.08 \
--pretrained_model=ProteinDT \
--pretrained_folder="$OUTPUT_DIR" \

Cite Us

Feel free to cite this work if you find it useful to you!

    title={A Text-guided Protein Design Framework},
    author={Shengchao Liu, Yanjing Li, Zhuoxinran Li, Anthony Gitter, Yutao Zhu, Jiarui Lu, Zhao Xu, Weili Nie, Arvind Ramanathan, Chaowei Xiao, Jian Tang, Hongyu Guo, Anima Anandkumar},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04611},