
⚡ A high speed react component for virtual list with pull-up loading and pull-down loading

Primary LanguageTypeScript


npm last-commit license

⚡ A high speed react component for virtual list with pull-up loading and pull-down loading.


npm i virtual-list-down-up


Live Demo


import { VariableSizeList as List } from 'virtual-list-down-up';

const Row = ({ item, index }) => <div key={index}>{item}</div>;

const Example = () => (

You need to pass in two required parameters:

  • listData: List data
  • estimatedItemSize:Estimated height of each row of the list. If you don't know how high each row is, whether this height is accurate or not is not important and does not affect the rendering of the virtual list. If you still hesitate to set the appropriate height, then set the minimum height

Other Props

Name Description
listData List data
estimatedItemSize Estimated height of each row of the list
bufferScale Buffer height ratio
pullDownCallback Pull down refresh callback
pullUpCallback Pull up refresh callback
hasMoreTopData Pull down refresh to see if there is more data
hasMoreBottomData Pull up refresh to see if there is more data
loaderAtTop Custom loading component at the top
loaderAtBottom Custom loading component at the bottom


  • Real virtual scrolling 😍.
  • Row supports variable heights 🎉.
  • Supports loading more 🔥.
  • Supports pull down to load more 🌐.
  • Supports pull up to load more 😍.
  • Responsive component.
  • Simple configuration, ready to use out of the box.
  • Thorough documentation .
  • High speed .