gql server setup


  • maintainable gql server.
  • you can use '@/' import alias in your code.
  • solving js module path resolution conflict problem with ts in node.
  • give a standard workflow for gql server development, it can be a sample for building your own workflow.


install dependencies

pnpm i

config .env file

set database url to your own


run migrations

pnpm run migrate

choose apply changes to database


pnpm test

development workflow

we take user module as an example to show the development workflow.

design GraphQL schema

create schema.graphql file in src/schema/user/schema.graphql folder, like this:

├── src/
│   ├── schema/
│   │   ├── base/
│   │   │   ├── schema.graphql
│   │   ├── user/
│   │   │   ├── schema.graphql
│   │   ├── book/
│   │   │   ├── schema.graphql

for reference:

select specific resolvers and gen types (only gen resolvers that you are about to implement for test happy)

in codegen.ts file, field config.generates.src/schema

config the defineConfig's resolverGeneration option, this codebase has configed it.

look up this guide to see how to config it:

after that, gen resolvers type

pnpm run codegen

implement resolvers

in src/schema/user/resolvers/Mutation/register.ts file and

in src/schema/user/resolvers/Query/login.ts file

implement the resolvers function, this codebase has implemented it.

run server to manually test

pnpm dev

open http://localhost:4000/graphql in your browser, and test the resolvers.

write unit tests

in src/schema/user/resolvers/Mutation/__tests__/register.spec.ts file,

write unit tests, this codebase has written it.

after writing the GraphQL query or mutation, you need to run the codegen command below to generate the test client data types.

wrap your query and mutation in gql function, see the example test file.

pnpm run codegen:test-client

run tests

pnpm test

everytime you do some changes, you can run the tests to make sure you don't break anything.