
Ability to run qutebrowser with different profiles, choose a profile via dmenu/rofi interactively for new links

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A wrapper script for qutebrowser that allows you to maintain different profiles, each with their own history and session state but sharing the same config.py.


I use my system for different projects and purposes, such as email, cloud development, web browsing and so on. Using qutebrowser-profile I can keep all of these in separate qutebrowser profiles.


This fork is maintained by Christopher Crockett

Base package written by Jonny Tyers

Original concept by ayekat


The qutebrowser-profile is written in bash-flavored shell script. Please ensure your environment is compatible before proceeding!

The --choose feature depends upon either the dmenu or rofi package (Rofi is preferred). You may still use --load/--new without these dependencies, however. When both rofi and dmenu are installed, rofi is prioritized. You may force usage of dmenu (or any other dmenu-compatible alternative) via the --dmenu flag (e.g. --dmenu="dmenu").

All platforms

Clone this repository and add it to your $PATH.

NOTE: To update, you will need to run git pull from within the repository

Arch-based Linux

Option A: Install package file

Download the latest release "pkg.tar.zst" file from Releases and install using pacman -U [PACKAGE FILE]

NOTE: To update, you will need to download the latest release and install the file again via pacman -U [PACKAGE FILE]

Option B: Install via repo

Edit /etc/pacman.conf, add an entry for this package's dedicated Arch repository:

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = https://chaorace.github.io/qutebrowser-profile/pool

Finally, install via pacman -S qutebrowser-profile-chao

NOTE: Installing this way will cause the package to automatically update when running pacman -Syu. Please only use this method if you find that to be acceptable!

Getting started

To create a new profile, just call the script:


You'll get a rofi/dmenu prompt asking for a profile name. Type one in and hit enter, and qutebrowser will load your profile.


  • qutebrowser's window will have [my-profile-name] at the start, so you can easily distinguish different qutebrowsers loaded with different profiles
  • qutebrowser loads configuration from the normal location (and all qutebrowsers share configuration regardless of profile, this includes quickmarks/bookmarks)
    • If you need some profile-specific configuration like a custom downloads directory, using the --set option with --new will set these in the generated .desktop file.
  • other data, such as session history, cache, cookies, etc, will be unique to that profile
  • A new .desktop file will be created for each profile, allowing you to launch each one using a GUI launcher. Name will be "Qute [$profile]"
  • Each profile will be treated as a unique app by the window managers because we set a unique WM_CLASS for X11 and a unique app_id for Wayland (requires Qutebrowser > 1.14.1).
  • The same Qutebrowser icon is used for the new profiles, but you can reference your own by editing ~/.local/share/applications/qutebrowser-$profile.desktop.



qutebrowser-profile [Main Argument] [Option Arguments] [qutebrowser Arguments]

Main Arguments

Only one of these may be used. --choose is the default.

  • --list, -l

    Prints profiles to output. May be combined with another main argument.

    Only non-hidden profiles will be shown. See --show-hidden for lifting this restriction.

  • --load <name>, -p <name>

    Directly load profile called <name>.

  • --new <name>, -n <name>

    Directly create and load profile called <name>.

  • --choose, -c

    Prompt the user to select a profile via dmenu/Rofi. Arbitrary name inputs are also accepted, which will either create a new profile with the given name or launch a matching hidden profile.

    Only non-hidden profiles will be shown. See --show-hidden for lifting this restriction.

    If dmenu/Rofi returns an empty string or non-zero exit code (e.g.: user pressed escape instead of choosing an option), qutebrowser will not be opened.

Option Arguments

  • --allow-no-profile [<slotname>], -np [<slotname>]

    Applies to: --choose, --load

    If specified, a special choice option called <slotname> will be provided which launches qutebrowser without applying any profiles.

    <slotname> is an optional parameter that controls the name to be used for this special choice option (default: "default").

  • --dmenu <path>

    Override location of dmenu executable. Rofi is autodetected without you needing to set this.

  • --only-existing, -e

    Applies to: --choose

    Prevents creating new profiles by manually entering a name into the prompt.

  • --qutebrowser <path>

    Override location of qutebrowser executable.

  • --set OPTION VALUE

    Sets qutebrowser configuration settings for the session. May be specified multiple times.

    No effect if a qutebrowser session is already running for selected profile.

  • --show-hidden, -a

    Applies to: --list, --choose

    If specified, normally hidden profiles (i.e.: has a name starting in ".") will be included in the resulting list/prompt.

    When used with --new, the given configuration will also be embedded into the generated XDG Desktop file.

  • --suppress-info

    If specified, prevents info messages from printing to output.

    This is useful when using the program a protocol handler if certain applications (e.g.: Slack) treat log output as a launch failure.


See LICENSE file