
This software is meant to be used on info-beamer during a Freitagsfoo.

Primary LanguageLua

info-beamer software for Freitagsfoo

This software is meant to be used on info-beamer during a Freitagsfoo.


title screen


talks screen


next talk screen

main node

This folder contains the main node which does the animations and switches between the different screens.

On start, the software just displays the background animation. You'll need to switch to a different screen to see anything meaningful:

echo -n "freitagsfoo/screen:title" | nc -u localhost 4444

If the state becomes invalid somehow, you'll see this screen:


error screen

In this case you can either wait for the software to reset itself or you can do it manually:

echo -n "freitagsfoo/reset:true" | nc -u localhost 4444


You need to configura a background by adding a child package called background. A simple background which just paints a black screen is included.


Used fonts:

  • Computerfont: public domain
  • CP Mono: CC by Liquitype

Used icons:

  • user.png: CC by-nd icons8.com
  • planner.png: CC by-nd icons8.com
  • pesthoernchen.svg: muelli