MeGASampler (SMT Sampling Using Model-Guided Approximation)
Paper: TBD
Based on SMTSampler. See also GuidedSampler.
Install dependencies
$ sudo apt install git build-essential python3-minimal python3-dev jsoncpp libjsoncpp-dev python3-venv
Create Python virtual environment and install Python dependencies
$ python -m venv venv --upgrade # consider using pypy
$ source venv/bin/activate
Clone repos
$ git clone
$ git clone # patched z3 for SMTSampler coverage
Build patched z3
$ pushd z3
$ python scripts/ --python
$ cd build
$ make # consider adding -j$(nproc)
$ cd python
$ make install # installs into current Python venv, do *not* use sudo
$ popd
Build MeGASampler
$ cd MeGASampler
$ make
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="venv/lib"
$ ./megasampler -n 1000000 -a MeGA -t 3600 formula.smt2
$ ./megasampler --help
Usage: megasampler [OPTION...] INPUT
megasampler -- Sample SMT formulas
-1, --one-epoch Run all algorithms for one epoch
-a, --algorithm=ALGORITHM Select which sampling algorithm to use {MeGA,
MeGAb, SMT, z3}
-d, --debug Show debug messages (can be very verbose)
-e, --epochs=NUM Number of epochs
-j, --json Write JSON output
-m, --epoch-samples=NUM Samples per epoch
-n, --samples=NUM Number of samples
-o, --output-dir=DIRECTORY Output directory (for statistics, samples, ...)
-r, --epoch-time=SECONDS Time limit per epoch
-s, --strategy=STRAT Strategy: {smtbit, smtbv, sat}
-t, --time=SECONDS Time limit
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
The benchmarks used come from SMT-LIB. They can be obtained from the following repositories: