
ArtNet to DMX Gateway on ESP32 via WIFI

Primary LanguageC++

ESP32 ArtNet to DMX Gateway

This project allows for receiving ArtNet messages via WIFI and transmitting ANSI-ESTA E1.11 DMX-512A using an Espressif ESP32. It is based on two libraries for ArtNet and DMX messaging which individually have a ton of configurability. By default this project will open up a WIFI configuration portal after a double reset where the WIFI credentials and ArtNet Universe may be configured. The output circuitry has been texted with MAX485 TTL UART to RS485 module along with MAX485 chips directly.

Click the link below to see it in action

See it in action




Building on the ESP Core, this project can accept physical DMX connections (RJ45, XLR) along with connecting to WIFI to accept ArtNet messagse. Whilst it is possible to accept ArtNet broadcast messages, the reality of WIFI connections is that many packets are lost, hence it is recommended that UNICAST be configured for the upstream ArtNet controller.



All incoming DMX messages are forwarded by default to the DMX Out port unless ArtNet messaging is being received, in which case Incoming DMX messages are dropped and the configured ArtNet universe messages are sent via the DMX Out port. The Gateway is configured to forward exactly one ArtNet universe to the DMX Output port. A Universe ID is configured as part of the WIFI setup, by default Universe 1 is configured.


Prototype 0

The proto board uses off the shelf modules hand soldered with perfboard

Proto Board

Prototype 1

The proto board uses off the shelf modules to enable RS485 (DMX) communication between devices, though you can use the MAX485 chip directly. Basic board outline via EasyEDA.

Proto Board

Prototype 2

A second version of the board created use EasyEDA and Fusion 360 for custom board and case design.

Note: ESP module does not have any flash, use version v3



PCB Layout


PCB Render

3D Render




Library Installation

This project requires the Arduino-ESP32 framework version 2.0.0 or newer. To install the correct framework, follow Espressif's instructions on the Arduino-ESP32 documentation page here.


This project uses ArtnetWifi from Stephan Ruloff as the means to receive ArtNet packets

Tested with 1.4.0 -- Install this via Arduino Library Manager


This project uses esp_dmx from Mitch Weisbrod as the means to transmit and receive DMX messages

Tested with 1.1.3 -- Install this via Arduino Library Manager

WIFI Manager

This project uses ESP Async WIFI Manager from Khoi Hoangx as the means to configure WIFI credentials

Tested with 1.12.0 -- Install this via Arduino Library Manager


RS485 to TTL UART is performed by the MAX485 (or similar) IC. Wired as follows. UART 2 on the ESP is used for communications on the default pins. This can be changed to any available UART if required, note that the ESP32 has the ability to remap UART pins to any GPIO, with the esp_dmx library providing a function to set the pins.

Note that if this is setup to transmit DMX messages only, then RE, DE can simply be pulled low to GND

DMX Port - Output

Note receive is not connected in this case

Transmit 17 DI
Transmit Enable 4 RE
Receive Enable 4 DE
Receive NC (16) RO

DMX Port - Input

Note transmit is not connected in this case

Transmit NC (19) DI
Transmit Enable 21 RE
Receive Enable 21 DE
Receive 18 RO



Use the esp_dmx function call to change the UART GPIO pins to non-standard pinouts

esp_err_t dmx_set_pin(dmx_port_t dmx_num, int tx_io_num, int rx_io_num, int rts_io_num)


dmx_port_t dmxPort = 2;
int transmitPin = 17;
int receivePin = 16;
int enablePin = 21;

dmx_set_pin(dmxPort, transmitPin, receivePin, enablePin);

Uploading Firmware


Manual upload to board, using using esptool v3.2

esptool.py --port /dev/cu.usbserial-1110  --before default_reset \
  --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio \
  --flash_freq 80m  \
  0xe000 boot_app0.bin \
  0x1000 ESP32_ArtNet_DMX_Gateway.ino.bootloader.bin \
  0x10000 ESP32_ArtNet_DMX_Gateway.ino.bin \
  0x8000 ESP32_ArtNet_DMX_Gateway.ino.partitions.bin