
A PHP parser for TOML

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TOML parser

A PHP parser for TOML compatible with TOML v0.1.0.

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Use Composer to install Yosyfmony Toml package:

Add the following to your composer.json and run composer update.

"require": {
    "yosymfony/toml": "0.1.*@dev"

More informations about the package on Packagist.


You can use this package to parse TOML string inline or from a file with only one method:

use Yosymfony\Toml\Toml;

$array = Toml::Parse('key = [1,2,3]');


From a file:

use Yosymfony\Toml\Toml;

$array = Toml::Parse('example.toml');



You can create inline TOML string with TomlBuilder. TomBuilder used Fluent interface for more readable code:

    use Yosymfony\Toml\TomlBuilder;
    $tb = new TomlBuilder();
    $result = $tb->addComment('Toml file')
        ->addValue('name', "Toml", 'This is your name')
        ->addValue('newline', "This string has a \n new line character.")
        ->addValue('winPath', "C:\\Users\\nodejs\\templates")
        ->addValue('unicode', 'unicode character: ' . json_decode('"\u03B4"'))
        ->addValue('t', true)
        ->addValue('f', false)
        ->addValue('positive', 25, 'Comment inline.')
        ->addValue('negative', -25)
        ->addValue('positive', 25.25)
        ->addValue('negative', -25.25)
        ->addValue('datetime', new \Datetime())
        ->addComment('Related to arrays')
        ->addValue('simple', array(1,2,3))
        ->addValue('multiple', array( 
            array('abc', 'def'), 
            array(1.1, 1.2), 
            array(true, false), 
            array( new \Datetime()) ))
        ->getTomlString();    // Generate the TOML string

The result of this example:

#Toml file

name = "Toml" #This is your name
newline = "This string has a \n new line character."
winPath = "C:\\Users\\nodejs\\templates"
unicode = "unicode character: δ"

t = true
f = false

positive = 25 #Comment inline.
negative = -25

positive = 25.25
negative = -25.25

datetime = 2013-06-10T21:12:48Z
#Related to arrays

simple = [1, 2, 3]
multiple = [[1, 2], ["abc", "def"], [1.1, 1.2], [true, false], [2013-06-10T21:12:48Z]]

Unit tests

This package are in compliance with BurntSushi test suite for TOML parsers.

You can run the unit tests with the following command:

$ cd your-path/vendor/yosymfony/toml
$ composer.phar install --dev
$ phpunit