
The intended replacement and expansion for my old Medieval and Historic Content mod

Medieval Mod Reborn, a continuation of the Medieval and Historic Content mod, for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead and Cataclysm: Bright Nights.

Originally nothing more than a small meme mod adding onto the original Medieval Mod, this has since become the original replacement for that mod, following its obsolescence. All of the mod's remaining professions, recipes, shields, and other content have been absorbed into this mod as a result, in addition to the content the addon initially set out to add.

Since I'd never taken the opportunity to add any substantial humorous content to the addon, with any references to other media fitting within the historical focus of the original mod, it was an easy task to convert this into a full replacement for my original Cataclysm DDA mod. More content, and rebalancing of content that has not been adequately updated since up to or before my submission of said content, is planned for the future.

If you are using Dark Days Ahead, place the included Medieval_Mod_Reborn folder in your data/mods folder. If you are using the Bright Nights fork, use the Medieval_Mod_Reborn_BN folder instead. In either case it is recommended that, if updating the mod, to delete the older version of the folder rather than just dumping the new one onto the old one.