
Just a simple repo of some of the katas I have saved.

Primary LanguagePython

Codewars.com Solutions to Select Problems

This is just a simple repo of some of the katas I have saved because I thought they were fun, interesting, or challenging. Below is a list of links and the title I gave them. Sorted into folders for the kyu they are assigned.

"Brandon Cole on CodeWars.com"

  • 6kyu/alternating_split_encryption.py -- Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split -- It was the first interesting one I saved. Simple text encryption problem that shifts every other character to the end of a string. First one I had to really think about. Could be improved and multi-line items are weird.
  • 6kyu/your_ride_is_here.py -- Your Ride is Here -- This one was fun and I liked the idea of it. Also it gives me an idea for D&D puzzles and a way to easily convert them.
  • 6kyu/bouncing_balls.py -- Bouncing Balls -- This one annoyed me at first because I didn't check for the bounce height conditions. I just assumed the data being passed was correct.
  • 6kyu/if_you_can_read.py -- If You Can Read... -- Just a fun one to convert a message to the phonic alphabet. Trivial but fun. You could easily swap the phonic_alpha variable out for different conversions.