
Simple banking withdraw, deposit, export file tasks in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to Codio!

What is Codio?

Codio is a tool that allows students to work in a fully cloud-hosted virtual machine. You may be wondering - what is a virtual machine? As defined by VMWare, a virtual machine is a software computer that, like a physical computer, runs an operating system and applications. In this case, you are viewing a full Linux operating system that is running on a 'host' machine in the cloud

Why do we use Codio?

Standardized environment

Using Codio allows us to make sure that all students have the exact same software installed to avoid any sort of weird, machine-specific dependency issues. It also removes the need for students to install any additional software on their computer so that they can focus on the actual coding instead of getting the development environment setup

Real-time TA assistance

When you have your work in Codio, TA's can easily jump into your workspace if you're having an issue. They see what you see, so that they can troubleshoot your assignment in real-time without the need for you to upload your code for them to see. This lets us find the issue quicker and make sure that we're looking at the most current version of your code

Writing your program

Writing your program in Codio

You may choose to write your program in Codio's default IDE simply by clicking on the file to edit. Note that the IDE does not have many of the convenience features that make modern IDE's valuable, so consider writing it in another context then uploading

Writing your program locally, then uploading

You may choose to write your program locally using an IDE of your choice, such as Sublime, Eclipse, or IDLE. Once you're ready, you may upload a file by right clicking the folder within Codio that you'd like to upload to and selecting 'Upload'. From here, drag and drop your files or click browse to locate them. Note that if you have existing files in Codio that have the same name within the folder you are attempting to upload to, you'll need to delete those files first to upload your new files

Running your program

To run your program, click on the dropdown menu of buttons in the center of the Codio toolbar at the top of your screen. From here, select 'Run Your Program'

Testing your program

Running unit tests you've written

If your assignment involves writing your own unit tests, you'll be able to run these by clicking on the dropdown menu of buttons in the center of the Codio toolbar at the top of your screen. From here, select 'Run Student JUnit Tests' to run your test files. Make sure that your test files are in the same folder that they were in when you started the assignment, otherwise the compiler may not know where to look

Running pre-submission unit tests provided to you

If your assignment contains tests for you to run before submitting, you'll be able to run these by clicking on the dropdown menu of buttons in the center of the Codio toolbar at the top of your screen. From here, select 'Run Pre-Submission Tests'

Submitting your program

How do I submit my program?

Go to the Education dropdown menu along the top. Click 'Mark as Complete', then follow the prompts

How many times can I submit my program?

You may submit your assignment only once, so make sure that you've tested it thoroughly before marking complete. Once you mark it complete, you will be unable to continue working on it.# simple-banking-tuples-dicts