
This library use RazorEngine to compile email templates and store those templates in Azure. It also include service to queue emails and batch sending emails.

Primary LanguageC#


This library use RazorEngine to compile email templates and store those templates in Azure. It also include service to queue emails and batch sending emails.

How to use

  1. This library use Azure Storage Extension to connect to blob. You need to setup connection string.
  2. Add template in Templates table.
    PartitionKey might include language such as signup.th. If signup.th is not found, it will fallback to signup.
    RowKey must be empty string.
    subject is email subject.
    body is email body template.
  3. To send email, call Mailer.SendEmailWithFallback(templateName, toEmail, model, language), this will send email. If email is failed to send, it will be added to queue. And you might have periodically service to run Mailer.SendEmails() to resend failed emails.


In web.config, add following to connectionStrings

  <add name="MailerContext" connectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={name};AccountKey={key}" />

And you might need to add email setting in mailSettings

    <smtp from="test@gmail.com">
      <network enableSsl="true" host="smtp.gmail.com" port="587" userName="test@gmail.com" password="xxxxx" />

In Global.asax.cs add following to invalidate template cache.

var razorConfig = new TemplateServiceConfiguration();
var cachingProvider = new InvalidatingCachingProvider();
razorConfig.CachingProvider = cachingProvider;
razorConfig.TemplateManager = new InvalidatingTemplateManager(cachingProvider);
Engine.Razor = RazorEngineService.Create(razorConfig);

Add row to Templates table.

  • PartitionKey: signup.en
  • RowKey: (empty string)
  • subject: Thank you for signup
  • body: <div>Dear @Model.name</div><div>Thank you for signup</div>

Call to send email.

mailer.SendEmailWithFallback("signup", "test@gmail.com", { name = "test" }, "en");