
Primary LanguagePython

BibTeX Processing Tool

The BibTeX Processing Tool provides functionalities for simplifying, deduplicating, updating, and generating new IDs for BibTeX entries.


  • Update BibTeX with DBLP: This tool can update the entries in your BibTeX file using data from DBLP.

  • Deduplication: The tool offers deduplication of BibTeX entries based on their IDs or titles.

  • Simplification: Simplify the BibTeX entries by removing unnecessary fields.

  • Generate New IDs: It can generate new IDs for BibTeX entries.

  • Logging: The tool logs operations, providing clarity on the steps being executed.


To install the BibTeX Processing Tool, make sure you have the required dependencies:

pip install reffix bibtexparser 


Run the BibTeX Processing Tool with the desired arguments:

python main.py [OPTIONS]


  • --input : Path to the input BibTeX file. Default is "references.bib".

  • --output: Path to the output BibTeX file. Default is "simplified.bib".

  • -u, --update: Update the input BibTeX file with changes.

  • -d, --de_title: Deduplicate entries based on title.

  • -s, --simplify: Simplify the BibTeX entries (e.g., remove unnecessary fields).

  • -i, --new_id: Generate new IDs for BibTeX entries.

For example, to deduplicate and simplify a BibTeX file:

python main.py --input my_references.bib --de_title --simplify


  • The processed BibTeX will be written to the specified output file.

  • If deduplication based on title was performed, an additional file id_mapping.txt will be generated. This file maps new IDs to their corresponding old IDs.



  title={LeadFL: Client Self-Defense against Model Poisoning in Federated Learning},
  author={Zhu, Chaoyi and Roos, Stefanie and Chen, Lydia Y},

  author       = {Chaoyi Zhu and
                  Stefanie Roos and
                  Lydia Y. Chen},
  title        = {LeadFL: Client Self-Defense against Model Poisoning in Federated Learning},
  booktitle    = {ICML},

  volume       = {202},
  pages        = {43158--43180},
  publisher    = {{PMLR}},
  year         = {2023},


 author = {Chaoyi Zhu and
Stefanie Roos and
Lydia Y. Chen},
 booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning, {ICML}},
 pages = {43158--43180},
 title = {{L}ead{F}{L}: {C}lient {S}elf-Defense against {M}odel {P}oisoning in {F}ederated {L}earning},
 volume = {202},
 year = {2023}


zhu2023leadfl -> Zhu:ICML23:LeadFL