- BA-Shapes
- BA-Community
- Tree-Circle
- Tree-Grids
- BA-2motifs
- Mutag
- GNNExplainer
- PGExplainer
- Mixup-GNNexplainer
- Mixup-PGExplainer
Note: The MixupExplainer is implemented based on and refer to [https://github.com/LarsHoldijk/RE-ParameterizedExplainerForGraphNeuralNetworks.git]
- train the gnn model
cd MixupExplainer
python experiment_models_training.py ba2motif gnn
The two command line args mean: 1. the dataset trained on. 2. The graph model we use.
- run the explainer
python exd_explainer.py 3
'3' means using the MixUpExplainer, support to other explainers will be added later.