Game Analysis

It's a game state handler for league of legends that can process multiple types of events and update the current status accordingly. The implementation keeps track of all the variables that represent the state of the game at any given time, and update the relevant ones as needed.

Events are represented as a dictionary containing the event type, and a payload, which is another dictionary with the specific information about this event.

    "type": "MATCH_EVENT",
    "payload": {
        "field1": "value",
        "field2": "value2",

Events have different meanings based on their type, and their payloads can have different fields depending on the information they need to convey. However, all events of one type are always guaranteed to have the same set of fields.

Below is a description of each of the event types, and their expected effect:

  • MATCH_START: Initializes a new game state. Contains all the initial information about the game, the teams and their players. This event is always guaranteed to arrive first.
  • MINION_KILL: A player killed a minion. The player is granted some gold and their minion count is updated.
  • PLAYER_KILL: One player killed another, optionally assisted by other members of the team. The killer is granted some gold, and each of the assistants receive a reduced amount. Kills, deaths and assists stats should be updated for all the players involved.
  • PLAYER_REVIVE: A previously killed player respawned back into the game. Its alive status should be updated.
  • DRAGON_KILL: One player killed a dragon. The team's dragon kill count should be updated, and the player is granted some gold.
  • NASHOR_KILL: One player killed Baron Nashor. The team's nashor kill count should be updated, plus every member of the team receives the specified amount of gold.
  • TURRET_DESTROY: A team destroyed an enemy turret. The team's tower kill count should be updated, and each of its players receives some gold. Additionally, the player who took the tower receives playerGoldGranted gold. Keep in mind that sometimes towers are destroyed by minions, so no individual player receives playerGold, although team gold is still granted.
  • MATCH_END: The match ended, and a winner is declared. There are never any events after this one.