
This APIs provides the list of nepali ukhaan(idoms) along with their meaning and examples

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The Nepali-Ukhaan API provides access to a list of Nepali idioms, known as ukhaan in Nepali, along with their Roman transliteration, English meaning, and an example sentence. The API makes a request to the README.md file from nepali-ukhaan.



This API is built using FastAPI, a modern, fast, web framework for building APIs with Python

How to Set up?

  1. Clone the reposistory https://github.com/chapainaashish/nepali-ukhaan-apis.git on your machine

  2. Install poetry, if not installed curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

  3. Install dependencies poetry install

  4. Activate the virtual environment poetry shell

  5. Run the server using uvicorn, uvicorn ukhaan_api.app:app

  6. Navigate to

  7. Read the documentation


  • /: Retrieves a paginated list of all ukhaan.

  • /nepali: Retrieves a paginated list of ukhaan sorted by Nepali text.

  • /roman: Retrieves a paginated list of ukhaan sorted by Roman text.

  • /example: Retrieves a paginated list of ukhaan sorted by example usage.

  • /random/ukhaan: Retrieves a random ukhaan from the list.

  • /random/nepali: Retrieves a random Nepali ukhaan in Nepali language

  • /random/roman: Retrieves a random ukhaan in Roman Nepali.

  • /random/example: Retrieves a random example usage of an ukhaan.

Query Parameters

The following query parameters can be used to modify the results returned by the API:

  • limit: The number of ukhaan to retrieve (default: 100).
  • offset: The starting index of the ukhaan to retrieve (default: 0).
  • show_all: Whether to retrieve all ukhaan at once, without pagination (default: False).

Example Usage

To retrieve a list of ukhaan, make a GET request to the following endpoint:


The response will be a JSON object containing a list of ukhaan. You can use the limit and offset query parameters to paginate the results. For example, to retrieve the first 10 ukhaan, you can make the following request:


To retrieve all ukhaan at once, without pagination:
