
Test for DreamDev company

Primary LanguageC#


  • The program should be written using test driven development, following the red, green, refactor steps.
  • Please use one or more design patterns when developing your solution. This is your oportunity to show your skills, use it well.
  • Don't sacrifice TDD to complete the solution, this will result in a fail.
  • We don't mind if the solution is incomplete, we are only interested in seeing your approach.
  • We are looking for the solution to be well factored and to adhere to the SOLID principles.


  • Fork the project on gitlab.
  • Add @dreamdevio ( Reporter access ) as a member of your fork. You can easily do that on https://gitlab.com/`your-user`/tech-test-ps/settings/members.
  • When you start do an empty commit with the message starting tech test and when you finish commit with a message finished tech test.
  • Commit after every refactor cycle at least.
  • Don't use branches.
  • Try to not spend more than 3 hours to finish the tech test.

Tech Test

Write a program which can be used to calculate the take home pay for employees based on their location. The application should be a console app which prompts the user for the hourly rate and hours worked for the employee.

Please enter the hours worked:
Please enter the hourly rate:	
Please enter the employee’s location:

The program will output their gross along with a list of deductions along with a net amount.

Employee location: Ireland

Gross Amount: €x

Less deductions

Income Tax : €x
Universal Social Charge: €x
Pension: €x
Net Amount: €x


As a payroll user I would like to see a gross amount calculation for an employee’s salary.

  • Given the employee is paid €10 per hour, when the employee works 40 hours, the Gross amount is €400

As a payroll user I would like to see deductions charged for employees located in Ireland

  • Given the employee is located in Ireland, income tax at a rate of 25% for the first €600 and 40% thereafter
  • Given the employee is located in Ireland, a Universal social charge of 7% is applied for the first €500 euro and 8% thereafter
  • Given the employee is located in Ireland, a compulsory pension contribution of 4% is applied

As a payroll user I would like to see deductions charged for employees located in Italy

  • Given the employee is located in Italy, income tax at a flat rate of 25% is applied
  • Given the employee is located in Italy, an INPS contribution of is applied based on gross salary. This is charged at 9% for the first €500 and increases by .1% over every €100 thereafter.

As a payroll user I would like to see deductions charged for employees located in Germany

  • Given the employee is located in Germany, income tax at a rate of 25% is applied on the first €400 and 32% thereafter
  • Given the employee is located in Germany, a compulsory pension contribution of 2% is applied