
randomizing subsets of pages in oTree

Primary LanguagePython

Shuffling several apps

This code is updated for working with the recent (>3.0.8).

to make it work, do 2 things:

  1. Add StartApp at the beginning of app_sequence of the session config where you want to randomize apps (all following apps will be randomized, with an exception of StartApp)

  2. in each pages.py instead of

from ._builtin import  Page


from StartApp.pages import Page

You can keep the old import statement and insert a new one after that:

from ._builtin import Page, WaitPage
from StartApp.pages import Page


if use, please cite:

Chapkovski, Philipp, Randomizing apps in oTree (February 15, 2021). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3786021

That's it, enjoy!