
A header-only C++ configuration file (.ini) parser :memo:

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status license: GPL-3.0 Release

A header-only C++ configuration file (.ini) parser 📝

Built to favour readability over speed, for now, and stores all parsed key-value pairs inside a map for easy access.

Setup 🚀

Clone the repository and navigate to the dotini directory.

# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/chapmankyle/dotini.git

# navigate to the `dotini` directory
cd dotini

Usage 💻

To use this in your project, simply copy the files inside the src directory and paste them into wherever you need a .ini file to be parsed 🎉

The .ini file reader is encapsulated in a class called INIReader, which takes the relative path to the .ini file as a parameter.

🔓 Access Data

To access data from the .ini file, there are get methods for the data types string, int, long, double and bool.

These methods take in the following three parameters:

  • section → The name of the section in which the key-value pair is defined.
  • key → The key that you would like the value from.
  • defVal → The default value to return if the section or key is not found.

A full breakdown of the available methods and their descriptions can be seen below 💥

Method Parameters Return Value Description
getString const std::string &section,
const std::string &key,
const std::string &defVal
std::string Returns the value as a string
getInt const std::string &section,
const std::string &key,
const int defVal
int Returns the value as an integer
getLong const std::string &section,
const std::string &key,
const long defVal
long Returns the value as a long
getDouble const std::string &section,
const std::string &key,
const double defVal
double Returns the value as a double-precision floating-point number
getBool const std::string &section,
const std::string &key,
const bool defVal
bool Returns the value as a boolean (true or false)
getError void std::string Returns a string representation of any error that occurred
getSectionFields const std::string &section std::set<Field> Returns the fields associated with the given section
getSectionNames void std::set<std::string> Returns the names of the sections that were found in the .ini file

💡 Example

#include "ini.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    // specify relative path to file
    INIReader reader("some_file.ini");
    // check for any errors during parsing
    if (!reader.success()) {
        std::cout << reader.getError() << '\n';
    // get various data types from the file
    std::string str = reader.getString("SectionName", "Key", "");
    int i = reader.getInt("SectionName", "Key", 0);
    long l = reader.getLong("SectionName", "Key", 0L);
    double d = reader.getDouble("SectionName", "Key", 0.0);
    bool b = reader.getBool("SectionName", "Key", false);
    // show all section names and their associated fields
    for (const auto &section : reader.getSectionNames()) {
        std::cout << section << '\n';
        for (const auto &field : reader.getSectionFields(section)) {
            std::cout << "    " << field.toString() << '\n';