Android Arch Demo

Project Specification

  1. Project is developed using MVVM
  2. Programming language - KOTLIN
  3. App is fetching data from network and saving them into the DB for local caching.
  4. Then the app displays the list from cache and request from server if needed.

Libraries used

  1. android architecture components
  2. android JetPack
  3. Retrofit
  4. Dagger2
  5. MockK -- Mocking framework for testing
  6. Fresco
  7. Room
  8. RxJava
  9. Espresso
  10. Paging
  11. Navigation

How to compile

  1. Android Studio (3.5.2)
  2. Android SDK (29)

Layout Resource naming

Prefer timeline_list_fragment.xml over fragment_timeline_list.xml. It is because it can group the related files together if it is sorted alphabetically. Also, The databinding codegen will generate which looks more natural than

Improvements / Not implemented

  1. UI test should cover more cases
  2. Can create code generator for MVVM boilerplate


  1. Can use ./gradlew useLatestVersions to update gradle dependency versions