
MVP of a QR claim code kiosk

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Live url (please do not claim the codes in it).

This is an MVP of a kiosk app that displays QR codes based on a list of event codes uploaded by the event manager.

There is a non-trivial chance it will be rewritten if the concept proves viable.

Product owner: @actualymentor

Firebase initial setup

To configure Firebase services:

  1. Enable firestore, functions, hosting, analytics
  2. Enable app check (docs)
  3. Fill out all variables in .env

To Configure backend:

  1. Set keys auth0.client_id, auth0.client_secret, auth0.endpoint, sendgrid.fromemail, sendgrid.apikey and kiosk.publicUrl with firebase functions:config:set key=value
  2. firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json

Frontend usage

  1. nvm use
  2. npm iu
  3. Populate .env based on .env.example
  4. npm start

Backend usage

  1. cd functions
  2. nvm use
  3. npm i
  4. npm start


App code based on create-react-app, styling based on styled-components, routing using react-router.

Backend runs on a Firebase project.