
A bot for discord. The bot mainly uses the wrapper "DIscord.js" which you can find @ discord.js.org or on the npm website.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is a project being currently made by only me. This project is made in typescript, and compiles into javascript. This project also heavily relies on discord.js


Currently the bot is in an early stage of development with things which are yet to come.


If you wish to use this in this buggy state you will have to download it, then run npm i within the folder to download all the dependancies. After that you will have to make a .env folder with "DISCORD_TOKEN=" in it. Once you've downloaded all the dependancies you will have to compile the typescript to javascript, you can do that by running the command "npx tsc" while being in this folder.

after that is done you may configurate the settings to be as you wish, they are in the src/m/config.ts file.

Things i plan to add

  • website to configure server settings with - will probably use express

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.