
System call interceptor (for windows)

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

sysintercept allows you to intercept and modify win32 system calls done by a process. sysintercept provides a CLI. Aim is to allow rewriting paths, translating keyboard input, ... various things for improved compatibility.

See usage to get an idea. Also note we're currently at no-version, i.e. not quite ready for production, or testing, ...

At the command line:

sysintercept c:\full\path\to\config.xml relative\or\abs\path\to\something.exe

For config.xml syntax see this example to get an idea and sysintercept_config.xsd for full details.

This runs something.exe and applies rules of config.xml to it.

What it also does:

  • does not pass on arguments to something.exe
  • prints logging messages like mad and you can't turn them off (mahahahaaa)
  • really likes absolute paths, hates relative paths
  • catches a few functions for path rewriting but haaaaardly all of them

This section is fairly TODO atm (as 0compile doesn't work out of the box atm, apparently).

For users:

For developers:

  • Setting up the environment:

    • Dowload and run Zero Install setup for windows

    • Open a command line and run:

      0alias 0compile http://0install.net/2006/interfaces/0compile.xml
    • Download and unpack the sysintercept source

    • In the root of the source, open a command prompt and run:

      0compile setup
  • Actual building (incremental build):

    0compile build

TODO get rid of these steps:

  • Install windows SDK (for VC++ toolchain)

  • boost and friends:

    Regardless of where you install boost, I'll refer to it as C:boost.

    • Install boost:

      Dowload and unpack this to C:boost.

    • Install boost-log:

      Download and unpack boost-log files from sourceforge, to C:boost.

    • Compile all boost libs, open "windows SDK 7.1 command prompt" (via start menu) and execute:

      cd C:\boost
      .\b2 --build-type=complete stage
    • Download and install codesynthesis msi from here: http://www.codesynthesis.com/products/xsd/download.xhtml

ZI (http://0install.net) Use cases

  • Allow path redirects in feed file.
    • redirect hardcoded file paths to correct location (location where binaries will be placed is impossible to know at compile time)
    • could be used to work with simplified view of environment's filesystem
      • /home: current user's homedir
      • /app/cache
      • /app/config
      • /media/...
      • and no more than those dirs. This way devs don't have to make a call to resolve a relative to an absolute path, the sandbox does it for them.

TODO there are other uses as well, just need to brainstorm and note them down

  • Something that enables intercepting system calls of a child process on linux, windows and mac.
  • Does not require manual set up (e.g. kernel modifications)
  • Does not require root/admin rights, plain users can run it. (especially handy if you have to run it on a public computer)
  • Intercepting does not affect anything else but the process whose syscalls are being intercepted.
  • Is performant, does not cause serious slow-down.
  • Easily supports:
    • Filepath translation (e.g. when app tries to open A, give it B)
    • maybe keyboard input translation (e.g. you are on a PC and have no rights to change keyboard layout, current layout is azerty, but you want dvorak. So you use this!)
    • ... (to be suggested/added by others (mail limyreth@gmail.com))

The technique used is very effective to intercept system calls of any normal program. Programs can still get past interception, but only if using hacky techniques which aren't used unless you are really trying to not have your calls intercepted.

The project is new, runs fine on my machine but might be full of bugs and will need test cases to convince people in production environments (TODO add bug report link).

Though benign programs will properly have their calls intercepted, it's possible to circumvent interception through hacky ways. The current implementation intercepts syscalls with user space techniques. If security is your goal, you'll want to intercept in kernel space. (See 2d, 2f, 2g of http://www.stanford.edu/~stinson/paper_notes/win_dev/hooks/defeating_hooks.txt. Even finding direct interrupt stuff and replacing that would not work because it's probably an undecidable problem The article isn't enthusiastic about kernel hooks, though I suppose that can be made safe and solid)


Some might be concerned about performance, so should explain that this isn't emulation, it's just a dll injected into the target process that only adds a few ifs for every system call that needs to be intercepted for it to do its job. We won't hook things we don't need, ...

No profiling or tuning was done. (TODO once conceptually stable)

In a much much later project state, sysintercept could detect support for system call interposition and choose the best available mechanism. (e.g. prefer kernel module to userland patching)

Project is covered by the GPLv3 license.

Libraries used in project:

  • distorm: Modified BSD license -> GPL compatible
  • ncodehook, ninjectlib: no license?
  • boost: boost license -> GPL compatible
  • CodeSynthesis: GPLv2

Info for those wanting to contribute to development of sysintercept.

Currently this is info on various concepts related to design decisions and implementation of sysintercept.

These sections can be fairly messy or outdated, you might want to mail limyreth@gmail.com instead.

TODO change contact point to a mailing list

  • Current: Side-tracked: make it easy to use ZI and 0compile on windows (it's apparently somewhat broken atm)
  • make a ZI feed with source implementation for it, so that you can 0alias uri/sysintercept, and then sysintercept arg arg arg, without having to do any building of your own (then present that feed to ZI). dev_interface.xml, followed by a public feed file.
  • allow changing verboseness of dll and cli. that of dll... well... we like to log while reading that xml, might want to keep verboseness separate from the xml! Was there no easier way to use boost ipc for multiple var passing?
  • add logging for all file related functions we might need for file path rewriting
  • ----- file path rewrite functionality is done now ------
  • pass cli args
  • test it on windows 7, public pcs, upload and check it passes anti virus software
  • what about win64 support, testing it works everywhere in any program? ... stability?
  • ----- is now usable if you manage to compile it, but no doc or other nifty bits ------
  • add -v verbosity level for omitting some logging, default should mean nothing is logged
  • once we add a -h --help and -V --version message on CLI, optionally include short notice of license (find a pretty print library for standard help message printing)
  • could tweak boost.log by building it with BOOST_LOG_USE_WCHAR_T, ...
  • documentation: xml config file: xsd and doxygen and/or example file with comments that demonstrates/uses everything in the xsd
  • suggest to haskell for prefix fix, ...

Solve this: http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/cabal-devel/2011-November/007926.html

Compile haskell program and then allow it to be relocated.

Note: if we solve this, should post on those places and notify them of available sandbox.


  • compile a haskell program in windows
  • make it crash by relocating
  • now fix with sandbox
  • make sure virus scanners allow sandbox.exe to run (upload to some interesting site) TODO

Any documentation useful for making 'design' decisions of the program.

sysintercept.dll: This dll intercepts win32 calls of whatever process it is loaded by.

sysintercept.exe: a cli interface, that starts a program and injects the dll into that program's process.

When sysintercept.exe runs:

  • it starts the child process in a suspended state,
  • makes the path to config.xml available in shared memory
  • modifies the IAT of the child process in memory, so it will load sysintercept.dll when started
  • resumes the child process and waits for it to finish

When the child process runs (i.e. when it is resumed):

  • it will load the dll,
  • during DllMain, the dll patches all relevant win32 calls (inline patching) so that they are intercepted
  • upon first win32 call, the dll will access shared memory, load and parse the xml file so that it knows what to do with intercepted calls. Note we couldn't do this in DllMain as many libs aren't loaded yet (e.g. IPC for shared memory), Dll main is very limited.

How to intercept syscalls?

For now process-level emulation, later you may also check for kmview/utrace support in the kernel and use process-level as a fallback. Well, should do another comparison perhaps, will we go for max security from the start etc?

API hooking:

App virtualization:


Process-level emulation:

A system consists of kernel-space and user-space. CPU has a mechanism for privileges. Kernel has privilege to access hardware directly, user-space has no such privilege and must ask the kernel to do so via a syscall. Syscalls can usually be done by CPU interrupts (x86 also has SYSCALL/SYSENTER (or call gates)); which to use depends on choices of the kernel. Most OSs provide a library to do this syscall interrupting.

Any well-behaved application will use that library. Though when wanting to offer security one should take into account the possibility of a syscall by manual interrupt without that library (or are the details of the interrupt so unstable that it'd be very hard to get this working?? and would that justify ignoring it? Also take into account, it may be statically linked into apps and libs)

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc301805.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc301808.aspx

  • application virtualization solutions:
    • a server from which software can be retrieved by clients,
    • something to record installed files into a single app file which can be uploaded to server
    • applications are ran by a virtualization component which modifies and passes syscalls (compatibility layer)
    • goal: similar to ZI; easier to run app without installing, configging, ...
  • sandbox solutions:
    • applications are ran by a virtualization component which modifies and passes syscalls
    • or the kernel/libs are modified
    • goal: much greater focus on security/privacy than app virtualization

The difference between virtualization and emulation is vague, usually emulation refers to imitating at a much lower level.