
Fast and easy time tracking and daily reports for Org Mode

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


Fast and easy time tracking and daily reports for Org Mode.


Download treport.el, put it to your load path and include to your init.el

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")
(require 'treport)


Before you can use treport, you must set some configuration.

Create directory ~/OrgMode/reports

Create file ~/OrgMode/DailyLogEthalon.org. For example:

* Work
** Work: Development
** Work: Mail and IM
** Work: Meeting
** Work: Other
* Personal
** Personal: Time analyze
** Personal: Learning
** Personal: Development
** Personal: Other
* Family


Set time spent categories to treport/time-spent-categories variable. For example:

(setq treport/time-spent-categories '((?1 "Work" nil ((?1 "Development" "Work: Development" nil)
							   (?2 "Handmade" "Work: Handmade" nil)
							   (?3 "Mail and IM" "Work: Mail and IM" nil)
							   (?4 "Meetings" "Work: Meeting" nil)
							   (?5 "Other" "Work: Other" nil)))
				     (?2 "Personal" nil ((?1 "Planning" "Personal: Planning" nil)
							 (?2 "Analyzing of time spent" "Personal: Time analyze" nil)
							 (?3 "Learning" "Personal: Learning" nil)
							 (?4 "Development" "Personal: Development" nil)
							 (?5 "Other" "Personal: Other" nil)))
				     (?3 "Family" "Family" nil)))

Bind keys. For example:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c i") #'treport/log-time-to-category)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") #'treport/log-done-thing)

If you want automatically clock out current task when you leaving Emacs, add this hook:

(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'treport/exit)


1 2 3 4

On example in screenshots was pressed C-c i 1 3

When you start working with Emacs you don't need to create a new file daily-log<current date>.org. It will be created every day automatically.

All you have to do is press C-c i and select the category of tasks over which you start to work. The clock starts to count time of work on the chosen task. When you finish a task you have to press C-c d and enter details if you want. Then again press C-c i and choose a category. At the end of the day you close Emacs and clock out occurs.

At the end of the day you can open your file daily-log-<current date>.org to build time table provided by Org Mode. You also can add tables to your ethalon and rebuild tables with C-u C-c C-x C-u.
